- compression zone
- зона сжатия (сечения изгибаемого элемента)* * *зона сжатия, зона сжимающих напряжений
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner — North American box art Developer(s) KCEJ … Wikipedia
Homogeneous charge compression ignition — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Syndrome de compression vasculo-nerveux — Syndrome du canal carpien Le syndrome du canal carpien est un ensemble de signes fonctionnels et physiques lié à la souffrance du nerf médian au niveau du poignet par sa compression (par élévation de la pression au sein du canal carpien). Ce… … Wikipédia en Français
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition — Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition, or HCCI, is a form of internal combustion in which well mixed fuel and oxidizer (typically air) are compressed to the point of auto ignition. As in other forms of combustion, this exothermic reaction… … Wikipedia
Taux de compression — Cet article concerne la mécanique. Pour le sens informatique, voir Taux de compression de données. En mécanique, le taux de compression d un m … Wikipédia en Français
Dynamic compression plate — A dynamic compression plate (DCP) is a metallic plate used in orthopedics for internal fixation of bone, typically after fractures. As the name implies, it is designed to exert dynamic pressure between the bone fragments to be transfixed. Dynamic … Wikipedia
Cochabamba Fault Zone — The Cochabamba Fault Zone or Cochabamba Shear Zone is a east southeast trending zone of sinistral strike slip faults near the city of Cochabamba in the Bolivian Andes. The movements along Cochabamba Fault Zone are related to the bend in the Andes … Wikipedia
Réfrigérateur à compression de vapeur — Le réfrigérateur à compression de vapeur est basé sur la condensation de vapeur d un fluide réfrigérant suite à une compression, et son évaporation suite à une détente. C est le procédé le plus répandu pour la production du froid. Ce principe est … Wikipédia en Français
DNS zone transfer — DNS zone transfer, also sometimes known by its (most common) opcode mnemonic AXFR, is a type of DNS transaction. It is one of the many mechanisms available for administrators to employ for replicating the databases containing the DNS data across… … Wikipedia
DNS root zone — A DNS root zone is the top level DNS zone in a Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. Most commonly it refers to the root zone of the largest global DNS, deployed for the Internet. Ultimate authority over the DNS root zone rests with the US… … Wikipedia
Blanco Fracture Zone — The Blanco Fracture Zone or Blanco Fault Zone (BFZ) is a transform fault zone off the coast of the Pacific Northwest of the United States which runs between the Gorda Ridge to the south and the Juan de Fuca Ridge to the north. The principal… … Wikipedia