- woody fibre
- древесное волокно
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
bast fibre — soft, woody fibre obtained from stems of dicotyledonous (dicotyledon) plants (flowering plants with net veined leaves) and used for textiles and cordage. Such fibres, usually characterized by fineness and flexibility, are also known as… … Universalium
Bast fibre — (fiber) or skin fibre is plant fibre collected from the phloem (the inner bark or the skin) or bast surrounding the stem of certain, mainly dicotyledonic, plants. They support the conductive cells of the phloem and provide strength to the stem.… … Wikipedia
Samoa 'ava ceremony — The ʻaumaga, ava makers must follow etiquette and cultural protocol in the making and serving of the ava. It is usually an honour to be selected for the ceremony. The ʻaumaga, with prescribed roles in the ceremony, were a select guild in the past … Wikipedia
dewberry — /dooh ber ee, beuh ree, dyooh /, n., pl. dewberries. 1. (in North America) the fruit of any of several trailing blackberries of the genus Rubus. 2. (in England) the fruit of a bramble, Rubus caesius. 3. a plant bearing either fruit. [1570 80; DEW … Universalium
John Howard Kyan — (1774 1850) was the inventor of the kyanising process for preserving wood. He was the son of John Howard Kyan of Mount Howard and Ballymurtagh, County Wicklow, and was born in Dublin on Nov 27, 1774. His father was the owner of valuable copper… … Wikipedia
John Hutton Balfour — (* 15. September 1808 in Edinburgh; † 11. Februar 1884 Edinburgh) war ein britischer Arzt und Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „Balf.“. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie 2 Ehrungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
sago — /say goh/, n. a starchy foodstuff derived from the soft interior of the trunk of various palms and cycads, used in making puddings. [1545 55; earlier sagu < Malay] * * * Food starch prepared from carbohydrate material stored in the trunks of… … Universalium
chip — noun 1》 a small, thin piece removed in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking a hard material. ↘a blemish left by the removal of a chip. ↘Brit. wood or woody fibre split into thin strips and used for weaving hats or baskets. 2》 Brit … English new terms dictionary
lignine — n. (Chem.) Woody fibre … New dictionary of synonyms
piassava — /piəˈsavə/ (say peeuh sahvuh) noun 1. a coarse, woody fibre obtained from the palms Leopoldinia piassaba and Attalea funifera of South America, used in making brooms, etc. 2. either of these trees. Also, piassaba. {Portuguese, from Tupi piaçaba} …
ἀποξυλίζοντες — ἀποξυλίζω deprive of its woody fibre pres part act masc nom/voc pl … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)