- wear surface
- поверхность износа
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Wear — For other uses, see Wear (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes … Wikipedia
Surface engineering — is the sub discipline of materials science which deals with the surface of solid matter. It has applications to chemistry, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering (particularly in relation to semiconductor manufacturing).Solids are… … Wikipedia
Wear (disambiguation) — * Wear is the erosion of material from a solid surface by the action of another material. * The River Wear is a river located in the North East England, and gives its name to the regions Weardale, Wearside and the Metropolitan County Tyne Wear. * … Wikipedia
Surface metrology — is the measuring of small scale features on surfaces, and is a branch of Metrology. Surface primary form, surface waviness and surface roughness are the parameters most commonly associated with the field. It is important to many disciplines and… … Wikipedia
Surface supplied diving — (also known as Hooka diving) refers to divers using equipment supplied with breathing gas using an umbilical cord from the surface, often from a diving support vessel but possibly, indirectly via a diving chamber.cite journal |author=Gernhardt,… … Wikipedia
Surface finishing — is a broad range of industrial processes that alter the surface of a manufactured item to achieve a certain property.[1] Finishing processes may be employed to: improve appearance, adhesion or wettability, solderability, corrosion resistance,… … Wikipedia
wear — wearer, n. /wair/, v., wore, worn, wearing, n. v.t. 1. to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a saber; to wear a disguise. 2. to have or use on the person… … Universalium
Surface plate — A surface plate is a solid, flat plate used as the main horizontal reference plane for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The surface plate is often used as the baseline for all measurements to the workpiece, therefore … Wikipedia
wear away — verb 1. cut away in small pieces • Syn: ↑whittle away, ↑whittle down • Hypernyms: ↑damage • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Something s something … Useful english dictionary
wear — 1. v. & n. v. (past wore; past part. worn) 1 tr. have on one s person as clothing or an ornament etc. (is wearing shorts; wears earrings). 2 tr. be dressed habitually in (wears green). 3 tr. exhibit or present (a facial expression or appearance)… … Useful english dictionary
wear off — verb 1. deteriorate through use or stress (Freq. 1) The constant friction wore out the cloth • Syn: ↑wear, ↑wear out, ↑wear down, ↑wear thin • Derivationally related forms: ↑wear … Useful english dictionary