
затвор (шлюза)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "watergate" в других словарях:

  • Watergate — er navnet på et større kompleks af dyre lejligheder ved Potomacfloden i Washington centrum. Op til præsidentvalgkampen i 1972 lejede nationalkomiteen for det demokratiske parti lokaler i dette kompleks. Den 17. juni 1972 blev der foretaget et… …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Watergate — (engl. Schleuse) wird noch verwendet für: die Watergate Affäre, die US Präsident Richard Nixon zum Rücktritt zwang; der Watergate Gebäudekomplex, nach dem die Watergate Affäre benannt wurde Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Watergate — immeuble de Washington, siège du parti démocrate en 1972. Affaire du Watergate: le 17 juin, cinq individus furent surpris par la police en train d y installer des micros. Des journalistes prouvèrent qu ils travaillaient pour le président Nixon… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Watergate — ☆ Watergate [wôt′ərgāt΄ ] n. [after Watergate, building complex in Washington, D.C., housing Democratic Party headquarters, burglarized (June, 1972) under direction of government officials] a scandal that involves officials violating public trust …   English World dictionary

  • Watergate — Watergate, asunto …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • watergate — (n.) mid 14c., channel for water, from WATER (Cf. water) (n.1) + GATE (Cf. gate). The name of a building in Washington, D.C., that housed the headquarters of the Democratic Party in the 1972 presidential election, it was burglarized June 17, 1972 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Watergate — see gate …   Modern English usage

  • Watergate — Immeuble du Watergate, en arrière plan à droite le Kennedy Center. Le comple …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Watergate — Wa|ter|gate also the Watergate Affair a famous political ↑scandal in the US in the early 1970s that caused President Nixon to leave his job before ↑Congress could ↑impeach him (=charge him with a serious crime) . It was discovered that Nixon had… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Watergate — noun Etymology: Watergate, apartment and office complex in Washington, D.C.; from the scandal following the break in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters there in 1972 Date: 1973 a scandal usually involving abuses of office,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Watergate — /waw teuhr gayt , wot euhr /, n. 1. a White House political scandal that came to light during the 1972 presidential campaign, growing out of a break in at the Democratic party headquarters at the Watergate apartment office complex in Washington,… …   Universalium

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