water passage

water passage
1) водовод; канал
2) водовыпуск

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "water passage" в других словарях:

  • water passage — A passage within the water jacket designed to prevent the formation of pockets of steam …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Passage — may refer to:In music: * Section (music), a complete musical idea * Period (music), about 8 measures * Phrase (music), about 4 to 8 measures * Passage ( Carpenters album), an album by American brother/sister duo The Carpenters * Passage (Samael… …   Wikipedia

  • passage — See air passage lateral air passage oil passage relief passage scavenging passage transfer passage water passage …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Passage — Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a bird;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Passage hawk — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Passage money — Passage Pas sage, n. [F. passage. See {Pass}, v. i.] 1. The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Passage planning — or voyage planning is a procedure to develop a complete description of a vessel s voyage from start to finish. The plan includes leaving the dock and harbor area, the en route portion of a voyage, approaching the destination, and mooring.… …   Wikipedia

  • water-closet — water closets ou water closet → W. C. ● water closet, water closets nom masculin (anglais water closet, de water, eau, et closet, cabinet) Synonyme vieilli de waters. (Abréviation : W. C.) ● water closet, water closets (difficultés) nom masculin …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • water-closets — ou water closet → W. C. ● water closet, water closets nom masculin (anglais water closet, de water, eau, et closet, cabinet) Synonyme vieilli de waters. (Abréviation : W. C.) ● water closet, water closets (difficultés) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Water Lilies (film) — Water Lilies French theatrical release poster Directed by Céline Sciamma Produ …   Wikipedia

  • passage — [pas′ij] n. [OFr < passer: see PASS2 & AGE] 1. the act of passing; specif., a) movement from one place to another; migration [birds of passage] b) change or progress from one process or condition to another; transition c) …   English World dictionary

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