ward key

ward key
ключ с бородкой

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "ward key" в других словарях:

  • Ward — Ward, n. [AS. weard, fem., guard, weard, masc., keeper, guard; akin to OS. ward a watcher, warden, G. wart, OHG. wart, Icel. v[ o]r[eth]r a warden, a watch, Goth. wards in da[ u]rawards a doorkeeper, and E. wary; cf. OF. warde guard, from the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ward penny — Ward Ward, n. [AS. weard, fem., guard, weard, masc., keeper, guard; akin to OS. ward a watcher, warden, G. wart, OHG. wart, Icel. v[ o]r[eth]r a warden, a watch, Goth. wards in da[ u]rawards a doorkeeper, and E. wary; cf. OF. warde guard, from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ward staff — Ward Ward, n. [AS. weard, fem., guard, weard, masc., keeper, guard; akin to OS. ward a watcher, warden, G. wart, OHG. wart, Icel. v[ o]r[eth]r a warden, a watch, Goth. wards in da[ u]rawards a doorkeeper, and E. wary; cf. OF. warde guard, from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ward — [wôrd] vt. [ME warden < OE weardian, to protect, guard, akin to OHG warten, to wait (see GUARD): E form and sense infl. by NormFr warder, to protect, keep (for OFr garder)] 1. to turn aside; fend off; parry: usually with off 2. Archaic to keep …   English World dictionary

  • Ward (band) — Ward are an electronica duo consisting of David Meme and Richard Williams (from the emo band Calvados Beam Trio).WARD need to be Richard Williams (Calvados Beam Trio/Noise Noise Alore!) and David Meme (MEME) in a collaborative experimental… …   Wikipedia

  • Key disclosure law — Key disclosure laws, also known as mandatory key disclosure, is legislation that require individuals to surrender cryptographic keys to law enforcement. The purpose is to allow access to material for confiscation or digital forensics purposes and …   Wikipedia

  • ward — ► NOUN 1) a room or division in a hospital for one or more patients. 2) an administrative division of a city or borough, represented by a councillor or councillors. 3) a child or young person under the care and control of a guardian appointed by… …   English terms dictionary

  • ward|ed — «WR dihd», adjective. (of a key or lock) constructed with wards …   Useful english dictionary

  • Key [1] — Key, 1) Emil, schwed. Politiker und Schriftsteller, geb. 7. Okt. 1822 auf Ed (Småland), gest. 31. Dez. 1892 in Wisby, studierte 1838–41 in Lund Rechtswissenschaft, widmete sich aber, nach längerm Aufenthalt im Ausland, seit 1848 der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ward Connerly — Wardell Anthony Connerly (born June 15, 1939) is an African American political activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent. He is also the founder and the chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, a national non… …   Wikipedia

  • ward — wardless, adj. /wawrd/, n. 1. a division or district of a city or town, as for administrative or political purposes. 2. one of the districts into which certain English and Scottish boroughs are divided. 3. a division, floor, or room of a hospital …   Universalium

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