war insurance

war insurance
страхование на случай военных рисков

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "war insurance" в других словарях:

  • War Risk Insurance — A policy that provides financial protection against losses sustained from occurrences such as invasion, insurrection, revolution, military coup and terrorism. Auto, homeowners, renters, commercial property and life insurance policies often have… …   Investment dictionary

  • War risk insurance — is a type of insurance which covers damage due to acts of war, including invasion, insurrection, rebellion and hijacking. Some policies also cover damage due to weapons of mass destruction. It is most commonly used in the shipping and aviation… …   Wikipedia

  • war risk insurance — n: insurance that protects against loss due to acts of war Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • war|ran|ty — «WR uhn tee, WOR », noun, plural ties. 1. a warrant or authorization; justification. 2. a) a promise or pledge that something is what it is claimed to be; guarantee: »a warranty of the quality of the goods sold. b) a covenant annexed to a deed to …   Useful english dictionary

  • insurance — /in shoor euhns, sherr /, n. 1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one s person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a… …   Universalium

  • insurance — A contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the insurer or underwriter; the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • insurance — A contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to compensate the other for loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the compensation is usually called the insurer or underwriter; the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • INSURANCE — Halakahic Aspect Insurance activity may well serve as a model for the economic activities of the Jewish merchant throughout the ages. Hundreds of sources dealing with insurance for transport and fire are found in the halakhic literature,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • War Exclusion Clause — A clause in an insurance policy that specifically excludes coverage for acts of war such as invasion, insurrection, revolution, military coup and terrorism. A war exclusion clause in an insurance contract refers to protection for an insurer who… …   Investment dictionary

  • Insurance Linked Securities — Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund inhaltlicher und/oder formaler Mängel auf der Qualitätssicherungsseite des Portals Wirtschaft eingetragen. Du kannst helfen, indem Du die dort genannten Mängel beseitigst oder Dich an der Diskussion beteiligst. Mit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • war risk insurance — noun 1. : term insurance written by the United States government for members of the military and naval forces 2. : insurance that protects against loss due to acts of war * * * life insurance for members of the armed forces. * * * war risk… …   Useful english dictionary

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