visual information

visual information
визуальная информация

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "visual information" в других словарях:

  • visual information — Use of one or more of the various visual media with or without sound. Generally, visual information includes still photography, motion picture photography, video or audio recording, graphic arts, visual aids, models, display, visual presentation… …   Military dictionary

  • visual information documentation — Motion media, still photography, and audio recording of technical and nontechnical events while they occur, usually not controlled by the recording crew. Visual information documentation encompasses Combat Camera, operational documentation, and… …   Military dictionary

  • Starlight Visual Information System — Starlight software is a comprehensive visual analytics platform that tames information overload and enables users to extract new value from data of all types. Future Point Systems (FPS) was founded in 2006 in partnership with the U.S. Department… …   Wikipedia

  • Defense Visual Information Center — The Defense Visual Information Center (DVIC) is a division of the Defense Media Activity (formerly the American Forces Information Service) situated in March Air Reserve Base in Moreno Valley, California. It was established in 1994 after a… …   Wikipedia

  • combat visual information support center — A visual information support facility established at a base of operations during war or military operations other than war to provide limited visual information support to the base and its supported elements. Also called CVISC …   Military dictionary

  • International Conference on Visual Information Engineering — The International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE) conference series is a successor to IEE s (Institution of Electrical Engineers) IPA conference series on Image Processing and its Applications. These are broad spectrum… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual descriptors — describe the visual features of the contents in images or videos. They describe elementary characteristics such as the shape, the color, the texture or the motion, among others.IntroductionAs a result of the new communication technologies and the …   Wikipedia

  • Visual learning — is a teaching method in which ideas, concepts, data and other information are associated with images and techniques. Visual learners also prosper when shown graphs, Graphic organizers, such as webs, concept maps and idea maps, and plots, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual skills — can be divided to into two main categories: visual perceptual motor skills and ocular motor skills. Many of these visual skills are developed post natally and often involve processing visual (sight) and other sensory input.Visual perceptual motor …   Wikipedia

  • Visual cryptography — is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures, text, etc.) to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption can be performed by the human visual system, without the aid of computers.Visual cryptography was pioneered by… …   Wikipedia

  • Visual agnosia — is the inability of the brain to make sense of or make use of some part of otherwise normal visual stimulus and is typified by the inability to recognize familiar objects or faces. This is distinct from blindness, which is a lack of sensory input …   Wikipedia

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