compact jet

compact jet
компактная [сосредоточенная, осесимметричная] приточная струя

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "compact jet" в других словарях:

  • Jet — may refer to:Aerospace*Jet engine *Jet aircraft *Jet Airways, an airline based in India serving domestic and international routes *JetLite, subsidiary of Jet Airways *JetBlue Airways, an airline based in New York *Jetstar Airways, an Australian… …   Wikipedia

  • Jet — Jet, n. [OF. jet, jayet, F. ja[ i]et, jais, L. gagates, fr. Gr. ?; so called from ? or ?, a town and river in Lycia.] [written also {jeat}, {jayet}.] (Min.) A variety of lignite, of a very compact texture and velvet black color, susceptible of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Jet ant — Jet Jet, n. [OF. jet, jayet, F. ja[ i]et, jais, L. gagates, fr. Gr. ?; so called from ? or ?, a town and river in Lycia.] [written also {jeat}, {jayet}.] (Min.) A variety of lignite, of a very compact texture and velvet black color, susceptible… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Compact wind acceleration turbine — Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines (CWATs) are a class of wind turbine that uses structures to accelerate wind before it enters the wind generating element.[1] The concept of these structures has been around for decades [2] but has not gained… …   Wikipedia

  • Jet (astrophysique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jet. Le jet émis depuis le centre de la galaxie M87 est probablement formé grâce à la présence d’un trou noir supermassif dont la masse est estimée à 3 milliards de masses solaires …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Compact car — North American 2005 Volkswagen Jetta sedan …   Wikipedia

  • Jet engine — For a general overview of aircraft engines, see Aircraft engine. A Pratt Whitney F100 turbofan engine for the …   Wikipedia

  • jet engine — an engine, as an aircraft engine, that produces forward motion by the rearward exhaust of a jet of fluid or heated air and gases. Also called jet, jet motor. [1940 45] * * * Any of a class of internal combustion engines that propel aircraft by… …   Universalium

  • jet — jet1 /jet/, n., v., jetted, jetting, adj. n. 1. a stream of a liquid, gas, or small solid particles forcefully shooting forth from a nozzle, orifice, etc. 2. something that issues in such a stream, as water or gas. 3. a spout or nozzle for… …   Universalium

  • jet compact — ištisinė čiurkšlė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. solid jet vok. Vollstrahl, m; zusammenhaltender Strahl, m rus. неразрывная струя, f; сплошная струя, f pranc. jet compact, m; jet plain, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • jet — I. /dʒɛt / (say jet) noun 1. a free or submerged stream of fluid produced by efflux from a nozzle, orifice, etc. 2. that which so issues, as water or gas. 3. the spout used: gas jet. 4. a jet plane. –verb (jetted, jetting) –verb (i) 5. to spout.… …  

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