- ventilating fan
- вентилятор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Fan — /fan, fahn/, n., pl. Fans, (esp. collectively) Fan. Fang. * * * I Rigid or folding handheld device used for cooling, air circulation, or ceremony or as a sartorial accessory throughout the world from ancient times. As evidenced by Egyptian… … Universalium
fan — fan1 [fan] n. [ME fanne < OE fann < L vannus, basket for winnowing grain < IE base * wē , to blow, flutter > WIND2, WINNOW] 1. Historical a device for winnowing grain 2. any device or machine used to set up a current of air for… … English World dictionary
fan — fan1 fanlike, adj. fanner, n. /fan/, n., v., fanned, fanning. n. 1. any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces. 2. an implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the… … Universalium
Ventilating — Ventilate Ven ti*late, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ventilated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ventilating}.] [L. ventilatus, p. p. of ventilare to toss, brandish in the air, to fan, to winnow, from ventus wind; akin to E. wind. See {Wind} rushing air.] 1. To open… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ventilating — Natural or mechanically induced movement of fresh air into or through an enclosed space. The hazards of poor ventilation were not clearly understood until the early 20th century. Expired air may be laden with odors, heat, gases, or dust.… … Universalium
Mechanical fan — Household electric box fan with a propeller style blade A mechanical fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. A fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which act on the air. Usually, it… … Wikipedia
exhaust fan — noun a fan that moves air out of an enclosure • Hypernyms: ↑fan • Hyponyms: ↑attic fan * * * a fan for ventilating an interior by drawing air from the interior and expelling it outside. [1870 75] … Useful english dictionary
Exhaust fan — Exhaust Ex*haust , a. [L. exhaustus, p. p.] 1. Drained; exhausted; having expended or lost its energy. [1913 Webster] 2. Pertaining to steam, air, gas, etc., that is released from the cylinder of an engine after having preformed its work. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exhaust fan — a fan for ventilating an interior by drawing air from the interior and expelling it outside. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
вентилятор — Вращающаяся лопаточная машина, передающая механическую энергию газа в одном или нескольких рабочих колесах, вызывая таким образом непрерывное течение газа при его относительном максимальном сжатии 1,3. [ГОСТ 22270 76] вентилятор Нагнетательная… … Справочник технического переводчика
Parkfield Colliery — Parkfield Colliery, near Pucklechurch, South Gloucestershire, was sunk in 1851 under the ownership of Handel Cossham. Coal was reached in 1853. The shaft was 840ft deep, but only the upper series of coal veins were worked. These were the Hard,… … Wikipedia