ventilating cowl

ventilating cowl
дефлектор на вентиляционной трубе; вытяжной колпак

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "ventilating cowl" в других словарях:

  • Cowl — (koul), n. [AS. cuhle, cugle, cugele; cf. dial. G. kogel, gugel, OF. coule, goule; all fr. LL. cuculla, cucullus, fr. L. cucullus cap, hood; perh. akin to celare to conceal, cella cell. Cf. {Cucullate}.] 1. A monk s hood; usually attached to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cowl — /kaʊl / (say kowl) noun 1. a hooded garment worn by monks. 2. the hood of this garment. 3. a hood shaped covering for a chimney or ventilating shaft, to increase the draught. 4. the forward part of the motor vehicle body supporting the rear of… …  

  • cowl — n. 1 a the hood of a monk s habit. b a loose hood. c a monk s hooded habit. 2 the hood shaped covering of a chimney or ventilating shaft. 3 the removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine. Derivatives: cowled adj. (in sense 1). Etymology: OE… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cowling — Cowl Cowl (koul), n. [AS. cuhle, cugle, cugele; cf. dial. G. kogel, gugel, OF. coule, goule; all fr. LL. cuculla, cucullus, fr. L. cucullus cap, hood; perh. akin to celare to conceal, cella cell. Cf. {Cucullate}.] 1. A monk s hood; usually… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grille — A grille (French word from Latin craticula , small grill) is an opening of several slits side by side in a wall or metal sheet or other barrier, usually to let air or water enter and/or leave but keep larger objects including people and animals… …   Wikipedia

  • Windcatcher — A windcatcher (Persian: بادگیر Bâdgir , Arabic: بارجيل Baarjiil ) is a traditional Persian architectural device used for many centuries to create natural ventilation in buildings. It is not known who first invented the windcatcher, but it still… …   Wikipedia

  • air scoop — noun : an air duct inlet or cowl that projects from an outer surface of an aircraft or automobile in such a way as to utilize the dynamic pressure of the airstream in maintaining a flow of air (as to a power plant or a ventilating system) * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

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