- vacuity
- незаполненный объём (бочки, цистерны и т.п.) при грузовых перевозках
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Vacuity — Va*cu i*ty, n. [L. vacuitas. See {Vacuous}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being vacuous, or not filled; emptiness; vacancy; as, vacuity of mind; vacuity of countenance. [1913 Webster] Hunger is such a state of vacuity as to require a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vacuity — can refer to: *Emptiness *Śūnyatā, the Buddhist term about the impermanent nature of form … Wikipedia
vacuity — index nullity, opacity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
vacuity — (n.) late 14c., hollow space, from L. vacuitas empty space, vacancy, freedom, from vacuus empty (see VACUUM (Cf. vacuum)). Originally in anatomy. Meaning vacancy of mind or thought is attested from 1590s … Etymology dictionary
vacuity — [va kyo͞o′ə tē] n. pl. vacuities [L vacuitas < vacuus, empty] 1. the quality or state of being empty; emptiness 2. an empty space; void or vacuum 3. emptiness of mind; lack of intelligence, interest, or thought 4. an inane or senseless thing,… … English World dictionary
vacuity — /va kyooh i tee, veuh /, n., pl. vacuities. 1. the state of being vacuous or without contents; vacancy; emptiness: the vacuity of the open sea. 2. absence of thought or intelligence; inanity; blankness: a mind of undeniable vacuity. 3. a time or… … Universalium
vacuity — [[t]vækju͟ːɪti[/t]] N UNCOUNT: usu with poss (disapproval) If you refer to the vacuity of something or someone, you are critical of them because they lack intelligent thought or ideas. [FORMAL] His vacuity was a handicap in these debates. ...a… … English dictionary
vacuity — noun a) emptiness to find so sensible a breach or vacuity in the course of the passions, by means of this breach in the connexion of ideas; b) vacuum … Wiktionary
vacuity — vacuous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ showing a lack of thought or intelligence. DERIVATIVES vacuity noun vacuously adverb vacuousness noun. ORIGIN Latin vacuus empty … English terms dictionary
vacuity — noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English vacuite, Latin vacuitas, from vacuus empty Date: 15th century 1. an empty space 2. the state, fact, or quality of being vacuous 3. something (as an idea) that is vacuous or inane … New Collegiate Dictionary
vacuity — Synonyms and related words: bare, bareness, barrenness, blank, blankness, bleakness, cavity, clear, desolateness, dull, dullness, emptiness, empty, empty headed, foolish, hollow, hollowness, inane, inanity, nada, nihility, nonexistence, nullity,… … Moby Thesaurus