use factor

use factor
коэффициент использования

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "use factor" в других словарях:

  • Use factor — Коэффициент использования …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • end-use factor — A test of practicability employed before issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity. Anno: 5 L Ed 2d 1004. The ultimate use of the product to be supplied by a utility seeking a certificate of public convenience and necessity… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Factor of safety — See also: safety factor (plasma physics) Factor of safety (FoS), also known as safety factor (SF), is a term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is… …   Wikipedia

  • Factor X — For other uses, see Factor X (disambiguation). Coagulation factor X PDB rendering based on 1c5m …   Wikipedia

  • Factor XIII — protein Name = coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide caption = width = HGNCid = 3531 Symbol = F13A1 AltSymbols = F13A EntrezGene = 2162 OMIM = 134570 RefSeq = NM 000129 UniProt = P00488 PDB = ECnumber = Chromosome = 6 Arm = p Band = 24… …   Wikipedia

  • factor — [[t]fæ̱ktə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ factors, factoring, factored 1) N COUNT A factor is one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation. Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness. 2) N COUNT: usu sing, usu a N of num If an …   English dictionary

  • Factor analysis — is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved, uncorrelated variables called factors. In other words, it is possible, for example, that variations in …   Wikipedia

  • factor — aside from its technical senses, means ‘a fact or circumstance that contributes to a result’, and the notion of cause lies at the heart of its use, as in Gladstone s sentence (1878) The first factor in the making of a nation is its religion. A… …   Modern English usage

  • FACTOR, MAX — (1877–1938), U.S. cosmetics manufacturer. Factor was born in Lodz, Poland, where at the age of eight he served an apprenticeship to a dentist pharmacist. Years of mixing potions instilled in him a fascination with the human form. Factor opened… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Factor — Paradigmen: multiparadigmatisch Erscheinungsjahr: 2003 Designer: Slava Pestov Aktuelle Version: 0.94  (September 2010) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Factor de transferencia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los factores de transferencia son un factor derivado de la lisis de leucocitos de donadores inmunes que es capaz de transferir inmunidad tanto local, como sistémica a receptores no inmunes. Son consideradas un tipo… …   Wikipedia Español

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