- urban mortgage debt
- ипотечный долг, обеспеченный городскими строениями
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mortgage loan — Mortgage redirects here. For other uses, see Mortgage (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Mortgage fraud — is crime in which the intent is to materially misrepresent or omit information on a mortgage loan application to obtain a loan or to obtain a larger loan than would have been obtained had the lender or borrower known the truth. In United States… … Wikipedia
Mortgage discrimination — or mortgage lending discrimination is the practice of banks, governments or other lending institutions denying loans to one or more groups of people primarily on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex or religion. One of the most notable instances … Wikipedia
Commercial mortgage — Finance Financial markets Bond market … Wikipedia
Home mortgage interest deduction — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
National Mortgage Crisis of the 1930s — The National Mortgage Crisis of the 1930s was a Depression era crisis in the United States characterized by high default rates and soaring loan to value ratios in the residential housing market. Rapid expansion in the residential non farm housing … Wikipedia
Reverse mortgage — A reverse mortgage (known as lifetime mortgage in the United Kingdom) is a loan available to seniors (62 and older in the United States), and is used to release the home equity in the property as one lump sum or multiple payments. The homeowner s … Wikipedia
Subprime mortgage crisis - other economic effects — This article is a subordinate article to the subprime mortgage crisis. It covers some of the miscellaneous effects of the crisis in more detail, to preserve the flow of the main page. Decline in commercial real estate marketA combination of… … Wikipedia
Location Efficient Mortgage — (or LEM) is a mortgage available to people who buy a home in locations where they don t need to rely on automobiles as much or at all for transportation. Location Efficient Mortgages allow people to buy more expensive homes than they normally… … Wikipedia
National Foundation for Debt Management — The National Foundation for Debt Management is a United States credit counseling agency. The organization is incorporated, but is organized as a non profit.[1] The foundation focuses on consumer education on debt practices.[2] They also focus on… … Wikipedia
ИПОТЕЧНАЯ ЗАДОЛЖЕННОСТЬ, ОБЕСПЕЧЕННАЯ ГОРОДСКИМИ СТРОЕНИЯМИ — URBAN MORTGAGE DEBTИ.з. на несельскохозяйственную собственность, включая здания, жилые дома, конторские помещения, гостиницы и т. д. Низкие процентные ставки, заимствование средств в ипотечных кредитных учреждениях и соответствующие экон. условия … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов