- unwater
- осушать, обезвоживать
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
unwater — |ən+ transitive verb Etymology: un (II) + water : to draw off water from : empty of moisture : drain unwater a mine shaft by bucket or pump unwater a rice field for harvesting … Useful english dictionary
unwater — v. a. == give out water. Ps. lxxvii. 20 … Oldest English Words
unwater — un·water … English syllables
Civil engineering and infrastructure repair in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina — This article covers the levee system and infrastructure repairs in New Orleans, Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina … Wikipedia
World Day for Water — In 1993 the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 as World Day for Water (also known as World Water Day)UN document |docid=A RES 47 193 |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=47 |resolution number=193 |accessdate=2008 08… … Wikipedia
Water for Life Decade — The United Nations proclaimed the period from 2005 to 2015 commencing on World Water Day to be the International Decade for Action, Water for Life .UN document |docid=A RES 58 217 |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=58 |resolution… … Wikipedia
UN-Water — is a mechanism of the United Nations, endorsed in 2003 for the follow up process of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development. Its purpose is to support states in their water related efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals.Its… … Wikipedia
Lifewater international — is a Christian non profit development organization concerned with providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education to people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Lifewater s strategy comes from the belief that the solutions to the global… … Wikipedia
International Year of Sanitation — The year 2008 has been declared the International Year of Sanitation by the United NationsUN document |docid=A RES 61 192 |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=61 |resolution number=192 |highlight=rect 220,490 733,518 |page=2… … Wikipedia
Tag des Wassers — Der Weltwassertag findet seit 1993 jedes Jahr am 22. März statt. Seit 2003 wird er von UN Water organisiert. Er wurde in der Agenda 21 der UN Konferenz für Umwelt und Entwicklung (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro vorgeschlagen und von der UN… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Всемирный день воды — 71 % Н2O Всемирный день водных ресурсов(на других официальных языках ООН: англ. World Day for Water, исп. Día Mundial del Agua, фр. Journée mondiale de l eau ) отмечается ежегодно 22 марта. Этот Всемирный день объявлен Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН… … Википедия