unit of structure

unit of structure
элемент конструкции

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "unit of structure" в других словарях:

  • unit cell — n. the smallest unit of structure of a crystal: it has sides parallel to the crystal axes and its exact repetition in three dimensions along these axes generates the space lattice of a given crystal …   English World dictionary

  • Structure of the Imperial Japanese forces in the South Pacific Mandate — Structure of the Japanese Forces in South Pacific MandateJapanese garrisons on the by passed Pacific Islands 1944 ndash;1945, included South Pacific Mandate Force and nearest islands in period.South Pacific Mandate DetachmentCommander in chief of …   Wikipedia

  • Unit 8200 — installation on Mount Avital Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200‎, Yehida Shmoneh Matayim) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence and code decryption. It also appears in military publications as the Central …   Wikipedia

  • Structure of the Norwegian Army — 2010 (click to enlarge). The Structure of the Norwegian Army has seen considerable change over the years. In 2009 the Army introduced the new command and control lines. The General Inspector now commands three subordinate major commands and 5… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit propagation — (UP) or the one literal rule (OLR) is a procedure of automated theorem proving that can simplify a set of (usually propositional) clauses.DefinitionThe procedure is based on unit clauses, i.e. clauses that are composed of a single literal. If a… …   Wikipedia

  • Structure tensor — Structure tensors (or second moment matrices) are matrix representations of partial derivatives. In the field of image processing and computer vision, they are typically used to represent gradients, edges or similar information. Structure tensors …   Wikipedia

  • STRUCTURE ET ART — La métaphore architecturale occupe une place relativement insoupçonnée dans l’archéologie de la pensée structurale qu’elle aura fournie de modèles le plus souvent mécanistes, fondés sur la distinction, héritée de Viollet le Duc, entre la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Unit Trust of India — was created by the UTI Act passed by the Parliament in 1963.For more than two decades it remained the sole vehicle for investment in the capital market by the Indian citizens. In mid 80 s public sector banks were allowed to open mutual funds. The …   Wikipedia

  • unit membrane — n the limiting membrane of cells and various organelles viewed formerly as a 3 layered structure with an inner lipid layer and two outer protein layers and currently as a fluid phospholipid bilayer with intercalated proteins * * * the trilaminar… …   Medical dictionary

  • unit body — Unit body: Type of body/frame construction in which the body of the vehicle, its floor plan and chassis form a single structure. Such a design is generally lighter and more rigid than a vehicle having a separate body and frame …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Structure of the British Army — The structure of the British Army is broadly similar to that of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, being divided into two Commands as top level budget holders: Land Command and the Adjutant General. These are responsible for providing forces at… …   Wikipedia

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