- underground storage
- подземное хранилище
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Underground storage tank — An Underground Storage Tank (UST), in United States environmental law, is a tank and any underground piping connected to the tank that has at least 10 percent of its combined volume underground. USTs, used to store petroleum, are regulated in the … Wikipedia
Underground storage injections — Gas from extraneous sources put into underground storage reservoirs. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Underground storage withdrawals — Gas removed from underground storage reservoirs. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Underground storage — The storage of natural gas in underground reservoirs at a different location from which it was produced. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Underground cavern hydrogen storage — is the practice of hydrogen storage in underground caverns [ [http://www.praxair.com/praxair.nsf/AllContent/3A0AB529A089B473852571F0006398A3?OpenDocument URLMenuBranch=19B4D941A5B182EE852571FC005510B2 . hydrogen storage cavern system] ] Large… … Wikipedia
Storage tank — A storage tank is a container, usually for holding liquids, sometimes for compressed gases (gas tank). The term can be used for both reservoirs (artificial lakes and ponds), and for manufactured containers. The usage of the word tank for… … Wikipedia
Storage organ — A storage organ is a part of a plant specifically modified for storage of energy (generally in the form of carbohydrates) or water. Storage organs often grow underground, where they are better protected from attack by herbivores. Underground… … Wikipedia
Storage withdrawals — Total volume of gas withdrawn from underground storage or from liquefied natural gas storage over a specified amount of time. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Underground coal gasification — (UCG) is an in situ gasification process carried out in non mined coal seams using injection and production wells drilled from the surface, which enables the coal to be converted into product gas. The process is flexible in operation and is… … Wikipedia
Underground Atlanta — is a shopping and entertainment district in the Five Points neighborhood of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, United States, near the intersection of the MARTA rail lines. First opened in 1969, it takes advantage of the viaducts built over the city s… … Wikipedia
Underground stem — Underground stems are modified plant structures that derive from stem tissue but exist under the soil surface. Plants have two axes of growth, which can be best seen from seed germination and growth. Seedlings develop two structures or axes of… … Wikipedia