- turbo-mixer
- роторный смеситель, турбосмеситель
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Mixer-Settler — Extraktion im Haushalt: einfache Kaffeemaschine zum Extrahieren der Aromastoffe des Kaffeepulvers mit anschließender Filtration Extraktion (von lat. extrahere „herausziehen“) ist ein physikalisches Stofftrennverfahren, bei dem mit Hilfe eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Autobots — Autobot Insignia This is a list of known Autobots from the Transformers fictional universe and toy line. The alternate modes of Autobots are usually cars, trucks and various other ground based civilian vehicles. Contents 1 The Transformers… … Wikipedia
Captain Crimefighter — is one of the supporting characters of C.O.P.S. (Central Organization of Police Specialists) animated series from Hasbro which ran from 1988 1989. Character ProfileCaptain Crimefighter is in fact Cindy Johnson who wishes to become a crimefighter… … Wikipedia
List of Decepticons — Decepticon Insignia This is a list of known Decepticons from the Transformers fictional universe and toyline. Contents 1 Generation One 1.1 Leader … Wikipedia
Guitar effects — are electronic devices that modify the tone, pitch, or sound of an electric guitar, or condition or reroute the signal in some fashion. Effects can be housed in small effects pedals ( stomp boxes ), guitar amplifiers, guitar amplifier simulation… … Wikipedia
Negative Syndicate — A Negative Syndicate (ネガティブシンジケート, Negatibu Shinjikēto?) is any of the fictional antagonistic organizations who seek out the Precious in the 30th Super Sentai Series GoGo Sentai Boukenger. This title is given to them by the Search Guard Successor … Wikipedia
I Love the World — Client Discovery Channel Product Discovery Channel Agency 72andSunny Directed by … Wikipedia
Turbofan — [ CFM56 3 turbofan, lower half, side view.] A turbofan is a type of jet engine, similar to a turbojet. It essentially consists of a ducted fan with a smaller diameter turbojet engine mounted behind it that powers the fan. Part of the airstream… … Wikipedia
Commodore 64 peripherals — Commodore 64 Home Computer This article is about the various external peripherals of the Commodore 64 home computer. Contents 1 Storage … Wikipedia
DRG Class 01 — Quantity: 231 + 10 former Class 02s Manufacturer: AEG, BMAG, Borsig, Henschel, Hohenzollern, Krupp … Wikipedia
DRB Class 50 — Number(s): 50 001–50 3171 with gaps Quantity: 3164 Year(s) of manufacture: 1939–1959 Retired … Wikipedia