- tufa
- известковый туф
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
tufă — TÚFĂ, tufe, s.f. 1. Arbust cu ramuri dese care pornesc direct de la rădăcină; grup de flori, de lăstari sau de plante erbacee cu rădăcină comună. ♢ expr. (fam.) Tufă (de Veneţia) = nimic, deloc. Tufă n pungă sau tufă n buzunar = a) nimic; b) om… … Dicționar Român
tufa — (n.) a porous rock, 1770, from It. tufa tufa, porous rock, probably from L. tufus, tophus loose, porous volcanic rock, said to be an Oscan Umbrian loan word … Etymology dictionary
tufa — [to͞o′fə, tyo͞o′fə] n. [It tufo, tufa, kind of porous stone < L tofus, tuff, tufa] any of various sedimentary rocks, as travertine, made up of deposits of calcium carbonate formed by evaporation or precipitation in or near a cave, spring, lake … English World dictionary
Tufa — Tu fa, [It. fufo soft, sandy stone, L. tofus, tophus. Cf. {Tofus}, {Toph}, and {Tophin}.] (Min.) (a) A soft or porous stone formed by depositions from water, usually calcareous; called also {calcareous tufa}. (b) A friable volcanic rock or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
TUFA — apud Bedam, Hist. Angl. l. 2. c. 16. Nec non et incedente illô (Edwino Rege) ubilibet per plateas, illud penus vexilli, quod Romani rufam, Angli appellant Tuuf, ante eumferrisolebat: vexilli genus est, ex consertis plumarum globis, Carolo du… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Tufa — (Min.), so v.w. Tuff … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
tufa — ► NOUN 1) a porous rock composed of calcium carbonate and formed by precipitation from water, e.g. around mineral springs. 2) another term for TUFF(Cf. ↑tuff). ORIGIN Italian … English terms dictionary
Tufa — Not to be confused with tuff, a porous volcanic rock. This article is about the geological formation. For the historic Chinese name, see Southern Liang. Tufa columns at Mono Lake, California Tufa is a variety of limestone, formed by the… … Wikipedia
Tufa — Tuchfabrik in Trier Die Tuchfabrik (kurz TUFA) in Trier ist regionales Kulturzentrum und Kleinkunstbühne in der ehemaligen Tuchfabrik Weber. Die TUFA findet bundesweit Beachtung als Zentrum freier Kulturarbeit und ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tufa — tufaceous /tooh fay sheuhs, tyooh /, adj. /tooh feuh, tyooh /, n. Geol. 1. Also called calcareous tufa, calc tufa, calc tuff. a porous limestone formed from calcium carbonate deposited by springs or the like. Cf. travertine. 2. (not in technical… … Universalium
tufa — n. Tuff, volcanic tufa … New dictionary of synonyms