
1) колонна; стойка; столб (жидкости)
2) столбец (напр. таблицы); графа
3) колонка
4) устой; станина; боковая стойка (строгального станка)
5) вертикальная штанга, вертикальный шток

column with hinged ends — колонна с шарнирно закреплёнными концами

column with one end fixed — колонна с одним защемлённым концом

to build a column — собирать колонну

to load a column eccentrically — нагружать колонну внецентренно

to restrain a column at one end — закреплять, защемлять колонну на одном конце

at both ends — закреплять, защемлять колонну на двух концах

- column of built channels laced - column of ore - column of pump - column of water - absorbing column - adiabatic column - anchor column - annulate column - annulated column - attached column - axially-loaded column - barley-sugar column - batten-plate column - box column - built-up column - cased column - casing column - channel column - closed column - clustered column - combination column - combined steel and concrete column - composite column - concrete column - Corinthian column - corner column - coupled columns - crane runway column - cross-shaped column - crude-fractionating column - diminished column - distillation column - drill column - eccentrically loaded column - edge column - engaged column - erection column - explosive column - feigned column - fixed column - fluted column - fractional column - fuel-filling column - gantry column - half column - half-engaged column - hinged column - hingeless column - hooped column - I-beam column - integral column - intermediate column - Ionic column - lattice column - lattice column with separate legs - lift column - lighting column - manometric column - open column - outside column - packed column - pendular hinged column - pendulum column - pier column - pipe column - plain concrete column - portal column - pressure column - regular cross-section column - reinforced concrete column - rocking column - rostral column - rustic column - semi-column - short column - single-member column - slender column - soil column - solid column - spiral reinforced concrete column - starred column - steel column - steel core column - steel-pipe column - steering column - stepped column - stepped bracket column - stone column - swelled column - tapering column - tied column - traversing column - triumphal column - tubular column - Tuscan column - twisted column - two-member column - vacuum column - ventilating column - wall column - water column - wreathed column
* * *
1.   колонна, стойка, сжатый стержневой элемент
2.   колонный технологический аппарат
3.   столб; уровень (напр. воды)
4.   колонна (буровых труб, штанг)
5.   столбец, графа

column in equilibrium in the bent position — колонна в состоянии криволинейной формы равновесия (при продольном изгибе)

column with both ends fixed — колонна с защемлёнными концами

columns with … centers — колонны с расстояниями [интервалами] по осям …

column with helical reinforcement — железобетонная колонна со спиральной арматурой

column with one end fixed and one end free — колонна с одним защемлённым и другим свободным концом

column with one end fixed and one end hinged [pinned] — колонна с одним защемлённым и другим шарнирно опёртым концом

- actual column
- annulated columns
- applied column
- attached column
- axially loaded column
- banded column
- beam column
- box column
- built-up column
- cased column
- compacted sand column
- composite column
- concrete lighting column
- corner column
- cross-shaped column
- distillation column
- drill column
- eccentrically loaded column
- edge column
- embedded column
- engaged column
- erection column
- fixed column
- fluid-filled column
- fluted column
- fuel-filling column
- fuel column
- glulam column
- grouped columns
- half column
- hingeless column
- ideal column
- initial straight column
- integral column
- L column
- laced column
- lighting column with two brackets
- long column
- non-hinged column
- open column
- oxidation column
- pendulum column
- pin-base column
- pipe column
- pivoted end column
- rectification column
- ringed column
- rocking column
- rostral column
- short column
- side column
- slender column
- spandrel column
- spirally reinforced column
- steel column
- stub column
- tapering column
- tied column
- tubular column
- twin columns
- wall column
- water column
- water-filled column

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "column" в других словарях:

  • Column 88 — was a neo nazi paramilitary organization based in the United Kingdom. It was formed in the early 1970s, and disbanded in the early 1980s. The members of Column 88 undertook military training under the supervision of a former Royal Marine Commando …   Wikipedia

  • Column — Col umn, n. [L. columna, fr. columen, culmen, fr. cellere (used only in comp.), akin to E. excel, and prob. to holm. See {Holm}, and cf. {Colonel}.] 1. (Arch.) A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling, statue, etc …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • column — col‧umn [ˈkɒləm ǁ ˈkɑː ] noun [countable] 1. ACCOUNTING a line of numbers written or printed under each other so that they can be easily added up, or a space on a page or on a computer screen for numbers to be arranged in this way ˈcash ˌcolumn… …   Financial and business terms

  • Column — • Architectural term for a supporting pillar Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Column     Column     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • column — [käl′əm] n. [ME & OFr colomne < L columna, collateral form of columen, column, pillar < IE base * kel , to project > HILL, HOLM1, Gr kolophōn] 1. a slender upright structure, generally consisting of a cylindrical shaft, a base, and a… …   English World dictionary

  • column — (n.) mid 15c., vertical division of a page, also a pillar, post, from O.Fr. colombe (12c., Mod.Fr. colonne column, pillar ), from L. columna pillar, collateral form of columen top, summit, from PIE root *kel to project (see HILL (Cf. hill)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • column — [n1] line, procession cavalcade, company, file, list, platoon, queue, rank, row, string, train; concepts 432,727 column [n2] pillar brace, buttress, caryatid, colonnade, cylinder, mast, minaret, monolith, monument, obelisk, pedestal, peristyle,… …   New thesaurus

  • column — index chapter (division) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Column —   [engl.], Spalte …   Universal-Lexikon

  • column — *pillar, pilaster …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • column — ► NOUN 1) an upright pillar supporting an arch or other structure or standing alone as a monument. 2) a line of people or vehicles moving in the same direction. 3) a vertical division of a page or text. 4) a regular section of a newspaper or… …   English terms dictionary

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