tripartite agreement

tripartite agreement
трёхстороннее соглашение

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "tripartite agreement" в других словарях:

  • Tripartite agreement — A tripartite agreement is an agreement among three parties. Specifically, it can refer to: *Germany, Italy and Japan Tripartite Pact, signed in 1940 specified the parties that would control Europe and Greater Asia. *Britain India Nepal Tripartite …   Wikipedia

  • Britain-India-Nepal Tripartite Agreement — The Tripartite Agreement between the United Kingdom, India and Nepal was a treaty signed in 1947 concerning the rights of Gurkhas in military service.BackgroundFrom the first quarter of the 19th century, Gurkhas from Nepal had served under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite — means composed of or split into three parts, or refers to three parties. Specifically, it may also refer to any of the following:* 3 (number) * Tripartite (theology) body, soul and spirit * Tripartite monotheism, the technical term for the… …   Wikipedia

  • tripartite — tri|par|tite [traıˈpa:taıt US ˈpa:r ] adj [only before noun] formal [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: tripartitus, from tri + partitus divided ] involving three parts, groups etc tripartite agreement/talks etc ▪ a tripartite agreement between… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tripartite — adjective formal 1 tripartite agreement/alliance etc involving three groups or nations 2 having three parts: a tripartite structure …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tripartite — [trī pär′tīt] adj. [ME < L tripartitus < tri , three + partitus,PARTITE] 1. divided into three parts; threefold 2. having three corresponding parts or copies 3. made or existing between three parties, as an agreement …   English World dictionary

  • Tripartite Pact — Infobox Treaty name = Tripartite Pact long name = image width = 300px caption = Tripartite Pact signing. Seated on the left starting with Saburo Kurusu, Galeazzo Ciano and Adolf Hitler. type = Military alliance pact date drafted = date signed =… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite Accord (Angola) — For other uses, see Tripartite Accord (disambiguation). The Tripartite Accord, Three Powers Accord or New York Accords granted independence to Namibia and ended the direct involvement of foreign troops in the Angolan Civil War. The accords were… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite System — The Tripartite System, known colloquially as the grammar school system, was the structure by which secondary education was organised in England and Wales between the 1944 Butler Education Act and the Education Act 1976, and in Northern Ireland… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite Accord — The Tripartite Accord (Arabic: الإتفاق الثلاثي) was an agreement between Lebanese feuding factions, the Shiite Amal movement, the Druze Progressive Socialist Party and the Christian Lebanese Forces. It was signed in Damascus, Syria on December 28 …   Wikipedia

  • tripartite — adjective /tɹaɪˈpɑɹ.taɪt/ a) In three parts. b) Done by three parties (as an agreement) …   Wiktionary

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