triangular mesh

triangular mesh
отверстие сетки сита треугольной формы

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "triangular mesh" в других словарях:

  • Mesh parameterization — Given two surfaces with the same topology, a bijective mapping between them exists. On triangular mesh surfaces, the problem of computing this mapping is called mesh parameterization. The parameter domain is the surface that the mesh is mapped… …   Wikipedia

  • Chew's second algorithm — Mesh of Lake Michigan using Chew s second algorithm implemented in the Triangle package. In mesh generation, Chew s second algorithm is a Delaunay refinement algorithm for creating quality constrained Delaunay triangulations …   Wikipedia

  • Meshfree methods — are a particular class of numerical simulation algorithms for the simulation of physical phenomena. Traditional simulation algorithms relied on a grid or a mesh, meshfree methods in contrast use the geometry of the simulated object directly for… …   Wikipedia

  • Grid (spatial index) — In the context of a spatial index, a grid (a.k.a. mesh , also global grid if it covers the entire surface of the Globe) is a regular tessellation of a manifold or 2 D surface that divides it into a series of contiguous cells, which can then be… …   Wikipedia

  • HEALPix — (sometimes written as Healpix), an acronym for Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation of a 2 sphere, can refer to either an algorithm for pixelisation of the 2 sphere, an associated software package, [… …   Wikipedia

  • Computational human phantom — Computational human phantoms are models of the human body used in computerized analysis. Since the 1960s, the radiological science community has developed and applied these models for ionizing radiation dosimetry studies. These models have become …   Wikipedia

  • Ruppert's algorithm — Input planar straight line graph Output conforming Delaunay triangulation …   Wikipedia

  • Marching squares — is a computer graphics algorithm that generates contours for a two dimensional scalar field (rectangular array of individual numerical values). A similar method can be used to contour 2D triangle meshes. The contours can be of two kinds: Isolines …   Wikipedia

  • Geodesic grid — A geodesic grid is a technique used to model the surface of a sphere (the Earth) with a subdivided polyhedron, usually an icosahedron.IntroductionWhen modeling the weather, ocean circulation, or the climate, partial differential equations are… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-generated imagery — An example of a computer generated, natural looking, static fractal landscape. Computer generated imagery (CGI) is the application of the field of computer graphics or, more specifically, 3D computer graphics to special effects in art, video… …   Wikipedia

  • Girth (graph theory) — In graph theory, the girth of a graph is the length of a shortest cycle contained in the graph.[1] If the graph does not contain any cycles (i.e. it s an acyclic graph), its girth is defined to be infinity.[2] For example, a 4 cycle (square) has… …   Wikipedia

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