- trap trench
- ловчая канава
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Trap shooting — is one of the three major forms of competitive clay pigeon shooting (shotgun shooting at clay targets). The others are Skeet shooting and sporting clays. There are many versions including Olympic Trap, Double Trap (which is also an Olympic event) … Wikipedia
trench — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ditch, fosse, dugout; furrow. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ditch, rut, hollow, gully, depression, gutter, tube, furrow, drainage canal, creek, moat, dike (British), drain, channel, main, gorge, gulch,… … English dictionary for students
Olympic trap — Men Number of targets: 125 + 25 Olympic Games: Since 1900 Abbreviation: TR125 Women Number of targets: 75 + 25 Olympic Games: Since 2000 … Wikipedia
sand trap — ☆ sand trap n. a pit or trench filled with sand, serving as a hazard on a golf course … English World dictionary
Clay pigeon shooting — A sailor takes aim as a clay pigeon is launched from the forecastle of the USS Mason (DDG 87). Clay pigeon shooting, also known as clay target shooting … Wikipedia
World War I — the war fought mainly in Europe and the Middle East, between the Central Powers and the Allies, beginning on July 28, 1914, and ending on November 11, 1918, with the collapse of the Central Powers. Abbr.: WWI Also called Great War, War of the… … Universalium
Shotgun — For other uses, see Shotgun (disambiguation). A pump action Remington 870, two semi automatic … Wikipedia
mine — Synonyms and related words: Dionaea, Eldorado, Golconda, abri, abridge, abundance, abysm, abyss, approach trench, arm, armor, armor plate, avulse, baited trap, bank, barricade, battle, bereave, blast, bleed, blitz, blockade, blow to pieces, blow… … Moby Thesaurus
Infantry tactics — are the combination of military concepts and methods used by the soldiers fighting predominantly on foot to achieve tactical objectives in a specific Tactical Area of Responsibility, during an engagement. In general, because of the uniqueness and … Wikipedia
Cold seep — Marine habitats Tube worms are among the dominant species in one of four cold seep community types in the Gulf of Mexico. Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Hydrothermal vent — Marine habitats White smokers emitting liquid carbon dioxide at the Champagne vent, Northwest Eifuku volcano, Marianas Trench Marine National Monument Littoral zone … Wikipedia