transverse component

transverse component
поперечная составляющая

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "transverse component" в других словарях:

  • transverse component — skersinis sandas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cross component; transverse component vok. Querkomponente, f rus. поперечная составляющая, f pranc. composante transversale, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy — (TROSY) is an experiment in protein NMR spectroscopy that allows studies of large molecules or complexes.The application of NMR to large molecules is normally limited by the fact that the line widths generally increase with molecular mass. Larger …   Wikipedia

  • Transverse mode — A transverse mode of a beam of electromagnetic radiation is a particular electromagnetic field pattern of radiation measured in a plane perpendicular (i.e., transverse) to the propagation direction of the beam. Transverse modes occur in radio… …   Wikipedia

  • Transverse Doppler effect — In special relativity, the transverse Doppler effect is the nominal redshift component associated with transverse (i.e. lateral) observation, and is important both theoretically and experimentally.OverviewIf the predictions of special relativity… …   Wikipedia

  • cross component — skersinis sandas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cross component; transverse component vok. Querkomponente, f rus. поперечная составляющая, f pranc. composante transversale, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Aberration of light — Light from location 1 will appear to be coming from location 2 for a moving telescope due to the finite speed of light, a phenomenon known as the aberration of light. The aberration of light (also referred to as astronomical aberration or stellar …   Wikipedia

  • Helmholtz decomposition — In mathematics, in the area of vector calculus, Helmholtz s theorem, also known as the fundamental theorem of vector calculus, states that any sufficiently smooth, rapidly decaying vector field can be resolved into irrotational (curl free) and… …   Wikipedia

  • Redshift — This article is about the astronomical phenomenon. For other uses, see Redshift (disambiguation). Physical cosmology …   Wikipedia

  • Vector magnetograph — A vector magnetograph is a type of imaging telescope that can estimate the 3 D vector of the magnetic field on a distant body with a resolved line spectrum. Magnetographs are useful for studying the Sun because the surface magnetic field is… …   Wikipedia

  • Darwin Lagrangian — The Darwin Lagrangian (named after Charles Galton Darwin, grandson of the biologist) describes the interaction to order between two charged particles in a vacuum and is given by[1] where the free particle Lagrangian is …   Wikipedia

  • Affine focal set — In mathematics, and especially affine differential geometry, the affine focal set of a smooth submanifold M embedded in a smooth manifold N is the caustic generated by the affine normal lines. It can be realised as the bifurcation set of a… …   Wikipedia

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