traffic manager

traffic manager
заведующий транспортным отделом

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "traffic manager" в других словарях:

  • traffic manager — noun 1. : an officer of the freight or passenger traffic department of a transport carrier who has charge of traffic solicitation, determination of rates and fares, and related traffic functions 2. : a supervisor of the traffic functions of a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • traffic manager — 1. a person who supervises the transportation of goods for an employer. 2. a person in a transportation company who schedules space, for freight or passengers. 3. (in business management) an office employee, esp. an executive, responsible for… …   Universalium

  • Traffic manager —    This person is responsible for managing all in store marketing projects including signage, point of purchase displays, packaging, collateral, and so on, from start to finish within the graphic arts studio. He/she also acts as a liaison between …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • Traffic-Manager — ⇡ Werbeberufe …   Lexikon der Economics

  • traffic manager — traf′fic man ager n. 1) bus an employee responsible for scheduling transportation for freight or passengers 2) bus an office employee, usu. an executive, responsible for routing items of business within a company for appropriate action by various …   From formal English to slang

  • Section Traffic Manager — The Section Traffic Manager is appointed by the Section Manager to supervise traffic handling organization at the section level that is, to coordinate all traffic efforts within the section, regardless of mode or National Traffic System… …   Wikipedia

  • railroad traffic manager — vežimo geležinkelių transportu vadybininkas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Asmuo, kuris geležinkelio transporto įmonėje arba bendrovėje yra atsakingas už krovinių vežimo geležinkeliais organizavimą. Jis ieško naujų užsakovų ir klientų,… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • railway traffic manager — vežimo geležinkelių transportu vadybininkas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Asmuo, kuris geležinkelio transporto įmonėje arba bendrovėje yra atsakingas už krovinių vežimo geležinkeliais organizavimą. Jis ieško naujų užsakovų ir klientų,… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • traffic — [traf′ik] n. [Fr trafic < It traffico < trafficare, to trade < L trans, across +It ficcare, to thrust in, bring < VL * figicare, intens. for L figere: see FINISH] 1. Archaic a) transportation of goods for trading b) trading over great …   English World dictionary

  • Traffic Signal (film) — Infobox Film name = Traffic Signal director = Madhur Bhandarkar writer = Sachin Yardi starring = Konkona Sen Sharma Kunal Khemu Neetu Chandra Ranvir Shorey producer = Baldev Pushkarna Kavita Pushkarna distributor = Bhandarkar Entertainment… …   Wikipedia

  • Traffic enforcement camera — Gatso speed camera A traffic enforcement camera (also red light camera, road safety camera, road rule camera, photo radar, photo enforcement, speed camera, Gatso) is an automated ticketing machine. It may include a camera which may be mounted… …   Wikipedia

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