- toll house
- здание заставы для сбора платы за проезд
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Toll House — (Los Gatos,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 140 South Santa Cruz, Los Gato … Каталог отелей
toll|house — «TOHL HOWS», noun. = tollbooth. (Cf. ↑tollbooth) … Useful english dictionary
Toll house — A tollhouse or toll house is a building with accommodation for a toll collector, beside a tollgate on a toll road. Many tollhouses were built by turnpike trusts in England, Wales and Scotland during the 18th and early 19th centuries. Those built… … Wikipedia
Toll House Inn — de Whitman, Massachusetts, fue establecido en 1930 por Kenneth y Ruth Graves Wakefield. La casa original había sido construida en 1709, y tuvo una rica historia de proporcionar consuelo para los viajeros cansados.[1] Ubicada en lo que es ahora la … Wikipedia Español
Toll House Inn — of Whitman, Massachusetts, was established in 1930 by Kenneth and Ruth Graves Wakefield. The original toll house had been built in 1709 and had a rich history of providing a night s solace to weary travelers. Located on what is now Route 18 about … Wikipedia
Toll house (disambiguation) — Toll house may refer to:* Toll house, a building or facility where a toll is collected on a toll road * Toll House cookies, a brand of chocolate chip cookie. * Toll House Inn, the restaurant that originated the cookie. * Tollhouse, California, a… … Wikipedia
Toll House cookies — Toll House is a brand of cookies and brownies marketed by Nestlé. It is named for the Toll House Inn near Whitman, Massachusetts, where Ruth Graves Wakefield is credited with inventing the chocolate chip cookie by mistake in the 1930s in a nearby … Wikipedia
toll house — A house erected at or near a toll gate for the use and accommodation of the toll gatherer. 54 Am J1st Turn & TR § 6 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Toll House — trademark used for cookies containing chocolate morsels … New Collegiate Dictionary
toll house — place in an airfield or port which receives loads of merchandise from customs … English contemporary dictionary
toll·house — … Useful english dictionary