time of duration

time of duration
продолжительность (во времени)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "time of duration" в других словарях:

  • time — I noun age, chronology, duration, end of the matter, era, extent, interlude, interim, interval, period, tenancy, tenure, term associated concepts: time being of the essence, time certificate, time deposit, time fixed by agreement, time of absence …   Law dictionary

  • Duration (music) — Simple [quadr]duple drum pattern, against which duration is measured in much popular music: divides two beats into two   …   Wikipedia

  • TIME AND ETERNITY — On the subject of time, Jewish medieval philosophers were divided into two broad camps: Those who subscribed basically to the Aristotelian concept of time, and those who favored a concept that goes back ultimately to Plotinus. Included among the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • time — For the Hebrews, time was duration: it went on for a certain measurable length, short (1 Sam. 9:16), or longer (Eccles. 3:1), or indefinite (Mic. 4:7). In the NT the Greek chronos is used for a length of time (John 7:33) and kairos for an… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Duration (Bergson) — Duration is the theory of time and consciousness, posited by the French philosopher Henri Bergson. TheoryInspired by the philosophy of Herbert Spencer, Bergson sought to improve upon its inadequacies, which he believed to be Spencer s lack of… …   Wikipedia

  • time — [tīm] n. [ME < OE tima, prob. < IE * dī men < base * dā(i) , to part, divide up > TIDE1] I duration; continuance 1. indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every… …   English World dictionary

  • Time — Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time ball — Time Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time bargain — Time Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time bill — Time Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time book — Time Time, n.; pl. {Times}. [OE. time, AS. t[=i]ma, akin to t[=i]d time, and to Icel. t[=i]mi, Dan. time an hour, Sw. timme. [root]58. See {Tide}, n.] 1. Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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