timber sleeper

timber sleeper
деревянная шпала

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "timber sleeper" в других словарях:

  • Sleeper — Sleep er, n. [Cf. Norw. sleip a sleeper (a timber), as adj., slippery, smooth. See {Slape}.] Something lying in a reclining posture or position. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) One of the pieces of timber, stone, or iron, on or near the level of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sleeper — [slē′pər] n. [ME slepere < OE slæpere] 1. a person or animal that sleeps, esp. as specified [a sound sleeper] 2. a timber or beam laid horizontally, as on the ground, to support something above it 3. Chiefly Brit. a tie supporting a railroad… …   English World dictionary

  • sleeper — /slee peuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that sleeps. 2. a heavy horizontal timber for distributing loads. 3. Building Trades. a. any long wooden, metal, or stone piece lying horizontally as a sill or footing. b. any of a number of wooden pieces,… …   Universalium

  • sleeper — noun Date: 12th century 1. one that sleeps 2. a piece of timber, stone, or steel on or near the ground to support a superstructure, keep railroad rails in place, or receive floor joists ; stringpiece 3. sleeping car 4. someone or something… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Sleeper wall — A Sleeper Wall is a short wall used to support floor joists of a ground floor. It acts to hold the timber joists away from the potentially damp ground. Construction Normal construction is of brick either in strecher bond or, to aid air flow,… …   Wikipedia

  • sleeper — sleep•er [[t]ˈsli pər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that sleeps 2) bui a heavy horizontal timber for distributing loads 3) bui a) any long wooden, metal, or stone piece lying horizontally, as a sill or footing b) any of a number of wooden pieces,… …   From formal English to slang

  • sleeper — /ˈslipə / (say sleepuh) noun 1. someone or something that sleeps. 2. a timber, concrete, or steel beam forming part of a railway track, serving as a foundation or support for the rails. 3. a bed, place, or compartment in a sleeping car. 4. →… …  

  • Concrete sleeper — A concrete sleeper is a railroad tie made out of steel reinforced concrete. Concrete sleepers …   Wikipedia

  • Railroad tie — While wooden ties dominate North American railways, concrete is widely used in other parts of the world. A railroad tie/railway tie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe) is a rectangular item used to support the rails in railroad tracks.… …   Wikipedia

  • Permanent way — The permanent way means the physical elements of the railway line itself: generally the pairs of rails typically laid on sleepers embedded in ballast, intended to carry the ordinary trains of a railway. This page describes British practice and… …   Wikipedia

  • Track (rail transport) — Permanent way redirects here. For other uses, see Permanent way (disambiguation). Twin rail tracks in a wooded area …   Wikipedia

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