threaded bolt

threaded bolt
болт с резьбой

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "threaded bolt" в других словарях:

  • Bolt-on neck — is a method of guitar (or similar stringed instrument) construction that involves joining a guitar neck and body using screws as opposed to glue as with set in neck joints. The term is a misnomer, introduced mostly by Fender whose guitars… …   Wikipedia

  • Bolt — usually refers to a type of fastener.Bolt may refer to:Fasteners* A cap screw, as used in a bolted joint * Screw, a cylindrical threaded fastener * Deadbolt, a kind of locking mechanism * Bolt (climbing), an anchor point used in rock… …   Wikipedia

  • bolt — bolt1 [bōlt] n. [ME & OE, akin to Ger bolzen < IE base * bheld , to knock, strike] 1. a short, heavy, often blunt arrow shot from a crossbow 2. a flash of lightning; thunderbolt 3. a sudden dash or movement 4. a sliding bar for locking a door …   English World dictionary

  • bolt — 1. noun /bɒlt,bəʊlt,boʊlt/ a) A (usually) metal fastener consisting of a cylindrical body that is threaded, with a larger head on one end. It can be inserted into an unthreaded hole up to the head, with a nut then threaded on the other end; a… …   Wiktionary

  • bolt — A securing device upon which a nut is threaded. It usually has a nut type head. It is usually measured not so much by the size of the wrench required to secure the bolt; but by the diameter of the threads, the thread pitch, the length of the bolt …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bolt — bolt1 bolter, n. boltless, adj. boltlike, adj. /bohlt/, n. 1. a movable bar or rod that when slid into a socket fastens a door, gate, etc. 2. the part of a lock that is shot from and drawn back into the case, as by the action of the key. 3. any… …   Universalium

  • bolt — I [[t]boʊlt[/t]] n. 1) bui any of several types of strong fastening rods, pins, or screws, usu. threaded to receive a nut 2) bui a movable bar or rod that is slid into a socket to fasten a door, gate, etc 3) bui the part of a lock that is shot… …   From formal English to slang

  • threaded — θred n. string, thin cord; spiral groove on a screw or bolt; chain of messages on a particular subject on the Internet (Computers); execution procedure which is part of an application (Computers) v. put a thread through a needle; pass something… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bolt — A roll of cloth, such as a bolt of silk; a metal rod or pin, usually threaded to permit staying by a nut. See bolter; bolting …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • toggle bolt — noun a fastener consisting of a threaded bolt and a hinged spring loaded toggle; used to fasten objects to hollow walls • Hypernyms: ↑fastener, ↑fastening, ↑holdfast, ↑fixing * * * noun : a bolt that has a nut with pivoted flanged wings that… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nut and bolt — noun a fastener made by screwing a nut onto a threaded bolt • Hypernyms: ↑fastener, ↑fastening, ↑holdfast, ↑fixing • Part Meronyms: ↑bolt, ↑nut …   Useful english dictionary

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