- cohesionless
- несвязный (о грунте)* * *несклеивающийся, неслипающийся, неагломерирующийся
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
cohesionless — adjective Lacking cohesion among particles, such as in the case of sand a cohesionless soil Syn: noncohesive … Wiktionary
cohesionless — kōˈhēzhənlə̇s adjective : composed of particles or granules that tend not to cohere cohesionless soils … Useful english dictionary
cohesionless — adjective see cohesion … New Collegiate Dictionary
cohesionless — co·he·sion·less (kō hēʹzhən lĭs) adj. Composed of particles that do not cohere. Used of soil. * * * … Universalium
cohesionless — co·he·sion·less … English syllables
cohesion — cohesionless, adj. /koh hee zheuhn/, n. 1. the act or state of cohering, uniting, or sticking together. 2. Physics. the molecular force between particles within a body or substance that acts to unite them. Cf. adhesion (def. 4). 3. Bot. the… … Universalium
Rankine theory — Rankine s theory, developed in 1857 [Rankine, W. (1857) On the stability of loose earth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 147.] , is a stress field solution that predicts active and passive earth pressure. It… … Wikipedia
J. Michael Duncan — James Michael Duncan, zitiert als J. Michael Duncan oder J. M. Duncan, ist ein US amerikanischer Bauingenieur für Geotechnik. Duncan studierte an der Georgia Tech (Bachelor Abschluss 1959, Master Abschluss 1962)[1] und wurde 1965 an der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cohesion — noun Etymology: Latin cohaesus, past participle of cohaerēre Date: 1660 1. the act or state of sticking together tightly; especially unity < the lack of cohesion in the Party Times Literary Supplement > 2. union … New Collegiate Dictionary
Planetary ring — Shepherd moon redirects here. For the Enya album, see Shepherd Moons. The moons Prometheus and Pandora shepherd the F ring of Saturn. A planetary ring is a ring of cosmic dust and other small particles orbiting around a planet in a flat disc… … Wikipedia
Hydraulic fill — A hydraulic fill is an embankment or other fill in which the materials are deposited in place by a flowing stream of water, with the deposition being selective. Gravity, coupled with velocity control, is used to effect the selected deposition of… … Wikipedia