- terrestrial ecosystem
- наземная экосистема
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
terrestrial ecosystem — sausumos ekosistema statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens nepasemtos Žemės paviršiaus dalies ekosistema, kurioje gyvena įvairūs augalai, gyvūnai ir grybai, kartu su abiotine aplinka sudarantys bendrą kompleksą, kuriame… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Ecosystem ecology — Figure 1. A riparian forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire (USA). Ecosystem ecology is the integrated study of biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and their interactions within an ecosystem framework. This science examines how… … Wikipedia
Ecosystem model — Ecosystem models, or ecological models, are mathematical representations of ecosystems. Typically they simplify complex foodwebs down to their major components or trophic levels, and quantify these as either numbers of organisms, biomass or the… … Wikipedia
Ecosystem — An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of all plants, animals and micro organisms(biotic factors) in an area functioning together with all of the non living physical (abiotic) factors of the environment.Christopherson, RW (1996) Geosystems: An … Wikipedia
inland water ecosystem — ▪ biology Introduction complex of living organisms in free water on continental landmasses. Inland waters represent parts of the biosphere within which marked biological diversity, complex biogeochemical pathways, and an array of… … Universalium
boundary ecosystem — ▪ biology Introduction complex of living organisms in areas where one body of water meets another, e.g., estuaries and lagoons, or where a body of water meets the land, e.g., marshes. The latter are often called wetlands. Boundary… … Universalium
polar ecosystem — Introduction complex of living organisms in polar regions such as polar barrens and tundra. Polar barrens and tundra are found at high latitudes on land surfaces not covered by perpetual ice and snow. These areas lying beyond the tree line … Universalium
Novel ecosystem — Novel ecosystems are human built, modified, or engineered systems of the Anthropocene that are fundamentally altered in structure and function by human agency. Novel ecosystems are part of the human environment and niche (including urban,… … Wikipedia
marine ecosystem — Introduction complex of living organisms in the ocean environment. Marine waters cover two thirds of the surface of the Earth. In some places the ocean is deeper than Mount Everest is high; for example, the Mariana Trench and the… … Universalium
Marine ecosystem — Coral reefs form complex marine ecosystems with tremendous biodiversity … Wikipedia
Cooperative Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Terrestrial Applications — The Cooperative Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Terrestrial Applications(CIASTA) formalizes a major collaborative relationship between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research… … Wikipedia