tender documents

tender documents
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "tender documents" в других словарях:

  • issue by tender — sale by tender; tender offer A type of offer for sale in which an issuing house asks investors to tender for a new issue of shares or other securities, which are then allocated to the highest bidders. It is usual for the tender documents to state …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • issue by tender — sale by tender A type of offer for sale in which an issuing house asks investors to tender for a new issue of shares or other securities, which are then allocated to the highest bidders. It is usual for the tender documents to state the lowest… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Legal Tender Cases — The Legal Tender Cases were a series of United States Supreme Court cases in the latter part of the nineteenth century that affirmed the constitutionality of paper money. In the 1870 case of Hepburn v. Griswold , the Court had held that paper… …   Wikipedia

  • Locomotive-Tender — Une locomotive tender est une locomotive à vapeur où les réserves d eau et de combustible ne sont plus sur un tender séparé mais sur le châssis de la locomotive elle même. L absence de tender est une condition favorable pour faciliter les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Locomotive-tender — La locomotive tender 141 TC 19 préservée par l AJECTA à Longueville. Côté arrière de la locomotive ten …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Locomotives-tender — Locomotive tender Une locomotive tender est une locomotive à vapeur où les réserves d eau et de combustible ne sont plus sur un tender séparé mais sur le châssis de la locomotive elle même. L absence de tender est une condition favorable pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Legal Tender Modernization Act — The Legal Tender Modernization Act (USBill|107|HR|2528) was a bill proposed by United States Representative Jim Kolbe of Arizona in 2002. Its main goal was to stop the continual production of pennies. The bill also mentions other provisions… …   Wikipedia

  • invitation to tender — UK US noun [countable] [singular invitation to tender plural invitations to tender] business a formal invitation to a small number of suppliers to make a detailed proposal for completing a particular piece of work …   Useful english dictionary

  • Design–bid–build — (or design/bid/build, and abbreviated D–B–B or D/B/B accordingly), also known as Design–tender (or design/tender ) and traditional method, is a project delivery method in which the agency or owner contracts with separate entities for each the… …   Wikipedia

  • Design-bid-build — (or design/bid/build, and abbreviated D B B or D/B/B accordingly), also known as Design tender (or design/tender ), is a project delivery method in which the agency or owner contracts with separate entities for each the design and construction of …   Wikipedia

  • представление тендерной документации — Если Оргкомитет «Сочи 2014» проводит тендер по выбору потенциального участника Совместной маркетинговой программы Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014», вся документация, связанная с проведением такого тендера, должна быть представлена… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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