surface ice

surface ice
поверхностный лёд

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "surface ice" в других словарях:

  • Ice protection system — Ice protection systems are designed to keep atmospheric ice from accumulating on aircraft flight surfaces while in flight. The effects of ice accretion on an aircraft can cause the shape of airfoils and flight control surfaces to change, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice diving — is a type of penetration diving where the dive takes place under ice.cite book |title=AAUS Polar Diving Workshop Proceedings |author=Lang, M.A. J. R. Stewart (eds.). |year=1992 |publisher=Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice road — Ice roads or ice crossings (which are sometimes referred to as ice bridges), are frozen man made structures formed on the surface of bays, inlets, rivers, lakes or seas, and are linked from frozen waterway to frozen waterway by overland portages …   Wikipedia

  • Ice shelf — An ice shelf is a thick, floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. Ice shelves are found in Antarctica, Greenland and Canada only. The boundary between the floating ice… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice spike — An ice spike is an upward facing icicle that forms as a body of water freezes. Ice spikes can form in natural environments or can be made artificially by freezing distilled water in plastic ice cube trays.Water expands when it freezes. If there… …   Wikipedia

  • ice shelf — noun /ˈaɪs ˌʃɛlf/ A thick, floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. Ice shelves are found in Antarctica, Greenland, and Canada only …   Wiktionary

  • Ice skating — is traveling on ice with skates, narrow (and sometimes parabolic) blade like devices moulded into special boots [cite web|last = van Voorbergen | first = Bert | title = The virtual ice Skates museum Ice skates and their history (1) | url =… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice racing — is a form of motor racing. It utilizes cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, All terrain vehicles, or other motorized vehicles. Ice racing takes place on frozen lakes or rivers, or on carefully groomed frozen lots. As cold weather is a requirement for… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice-minus bacteria — is a nickname given to a variant of the common bacterium Pseudomonas syringae ( P. syringae ). This strain of P. syringae lacks the ability to produce a certain surface protein, usually found on wild type ice plus P. syringae . The ice plus… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice sheet dynamics — describe the motion within large bodies of ice, such those currently on Greenland and Antarctica. Ice motion is dominated by the movement of glaciers, whose gravity driven activity is controlled by two main variable factors: the temperature and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice pellets — are a form of precipitation consisting of small, translucent ice balls. This form of precipitation is also known as sleet in the United States and Canada. [cite web|url=|title= Sleet (glossary… …   Wikipedia

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