- support hardware
- вспомогательные приборы (аппаратура)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
support hardware — pagalbinė techninė įranga statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. support hardware vok. Unterstützausrüstung, f; Unterstützungshardware, f rus. вспомогательная аппаратура, f; вспомогательное аппаратное обеспечение, n pranc. matériel … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Hardware overlay — Hardware overlay, a type of video overlay, is a method of rendering an image to a display screen with a dedicated memory buffer inside computer video hardware, to display a fast moving video image such as a computer game, a DVD, or the signal… … Wikipedia
Support — may refer to the following:* Sympathy, emotional support; * Technical support (a.k.a tech support) in computer hardware, software or electronic goods; * Support (mathematics), a kind of subset of the domain of a function; * Support (measure… … Wikipedia
Hardware-dependent Software — (often written HdS), the part of an operating system which varies across microprocessor boards and is comprised notably of device drivers and of boot code which performs hardware initialization. HDS does not comprise code which is only specific… … Wikipedia
support — [sə pôrt′] vt. [ME supporten < MFr supporter < LL(Ec) supportare, to endure, bear < L, to carry, bring to a place < sub ,SUB + portare, to carry: see PORT3] 1. a) to carry or bear the weight of; keep from falling, slipping or sinking; … English World dictionary
hardware support — support system for computer components; assistance for other components … English contemporary dictionary
Hardware-RAID — Der Begriff RAID steht für englisch redundant array of independent disks (deutsch: Redundante Anordnung unabhängiger Festplatten, ursprünglich: redundant array of inexpensive disks, deutsch: Redundante Anordnung kostengünstiger Festplatten, was… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hardware-assisted virtualization — In computing, hardware assisted virtualization is a platform virtualization approach that enables efficient full virtualization using help from hardware capabilities, primarily from the host processors. Full virtualization is used to simulate a… … Wikipedia
Support — Hilfe; Beistand; Erleichterung; Hilfestellung; Unterstützung; Betreuung; Kooperation * * * Sup|pọrt 〈m. 1 oder engl. [səpɔ:t] m. 6〉 I 〈unz.; … Universal-Lexikon
Hardware Security Module — A Hardware Security Module (often abbreviated to HSM) is a physical device in form of a plug in card or an external security device that can be attached to general purpose computer and servers.The goals of an HSM are the: (a) secure generation,… … Wikipedia
Hardware Information Navigational Tool (HINT) — The Hardware Information Navigational Tool, or HINT, is an information web service developed by the former AG Communications Systems (now Alcatel Lucent) which displays hardware and software characteristics of a central office switching system.… … Wikipedia