Смотреть что такое "superfluity" в других словарях:
Superfluity — Su per*flu i*ty, n.; pl. {Superfluities}. [L. superfluit[ e], L. superfluitas. See {Superfluous}.] 1. A greater quantity than is wanted; superabundance; as, a superfluity of water; a superfluity of wealth. [1913 Webster] A quiet mediocrity is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
superfluity — index balance (amount in excess), boom (prosperity), exaggeration, plethora, redundancy, remainder (remaining part), surfeit … Law dictionary
superfluity — late 14c., from O.Fr. superfluite (12c.), from M.L. superfluitas, from superfluus (see SUPERFLUOUS (Cf. superfluous)) … Etymology dictionary
superfluity — *excess, surplus, surplusage, overplus Analogous words: overflowing or overflow, teeming, swarming (see TEEM): exuberance, profusion, lavishness, prodigality (see corresponding adjectives at PROFUSE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
superfluity — [so͞o΄pərflo͞o′ə tē] n. pl. superfluities [ME superfluite < OFr superfluité < L superfluitas] 1. the state or quality of being superfluous 2. a quantity or number beyond what is needed; excess; superabundance 3. something superfluous; thing … English World dictionary
superfluity — [[t]su͟ːpə(r)flu͟ːɪti[/t]] superfluities N COUNT: usu N of n If there is a superfluity of something, there is more of it than is needed. [FORMAL] The city has gone from a shortage to a superfluity of five star hotels … English dictionary
superfluity — su|per|flu|i|ty [ˌsu:pəˈflu:ıti US pər ] n formal a superfluity of sth a larger amount of something than is necessary … Dictionary of contemporary English
superfluity — noun formal a superfluity of a larger amount of something than is necessary … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
superfluity — superfluous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. DERIVATIVES superfluity noun (pl. superfluities) superfluously adverb. ORIGIN Latin superfluus, from fluere to flow … English terms dictionary
superfluity — noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English superfluitee, from Anglo French superfluité, from Late Latin superfluitat , superfluitas, from Latin superfluus Date: 14th century 1. a. excess, oversupply b. something unnecessary or superfluous 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
superfluity — /sooh peuhr flooh i tee/, n., pl. superfluities. 1. the state of being superfluous. 2. a superabundant or excessive amount. 3. something superfluous, as a luxury. [1350 1400; ME superfluite < OF < L superfluitas. See SUPERFLUOUS, ITY] * * * … Universalium