- substandard
- ниже нормы, несоответствующий стандарту
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
substandard — ● substandard adjectif Se dit des films de largeur inférieure à celle (35 mm) du format standard. substandard [sypstɑ̃daʀ] adj. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de sub , et standard. ❖ ♦ Techn. Inférieur au format standard. || Film substandard, inférieur au f … Encyclopédie Universelle
substandard — sub·stan·dard adj: deviating from or falling short of a standard or norm: as a: of a quality lower than that prescribed by law b: constituting a greater than normal risk to an insurer Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
substandard — (adj.) also sub standard, 1909, from SUB (Cf. sub ) + STANDARD (Cf. standard) (adj.) … Etymology dictionary
substandard — [adj] inferior bad, base, below average, below par, below standard, cheap, inadequate, junk*, lemon*, lousy, low grade, poor, second rate, shoddy, subpar, unacceptable; concept 574 … New thesaurus
substandard — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ below the usual or required standard … English terms dictionary
substandard — [sub stan′dərd] adj. below standard; specif., a) below a standard established as by law b) Linguis. NONSTANDARD: a usually pejorative designation for forms of a language that differ from the standard dialect, and a term not widely used by… … English World dictionary
Substandard — Das Wort Substandard (lat. sub: unter ) bezeichnet allgemein dem unter einem genau festgelegten Standard liegenden Tatbestand einer Sache (Schulwesen). In der Linguistik bezeichnet Substandard den sprechsprachlichen Bereich unterhalb der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
substandard — /sub stan deuhrd/, adj. 1. below standard or less than adequate: substandard housing conditions. 2. noting or pertaining to a dialect or variety of a language or a feature of usage that is often considered by others to mark its user as… … Universalium
substandard — adjective Date: 1897 deviating from or falling short of a standard or norm: as a. of a quality lower than that prescribed by law < substandard housing > b. conforming to a pattern of linguistic usage existing within a speech community but not… … New Collegiate Dictionary
substandard — adjective sɐbˈstændɝd Of inferior quality; not meeting the minimum quality requirements. They built this with substandard parts. No wonder it collapsed … Wiktionary
Substandard — Sụb|stan|dard 〈m. 6; unz.〉 1. 〈bes. österr.〉 sehr niedriger Standard, schlechte Qualität (Substandardwohnung) 2. 〈Sprachw.〉 unterhalb der Hochsprache einzuordnende Sprachebene * * * Sụb|stan|dard, der; s [engl. substandard = unter dem 1↑Standard … Universal-Lexikon