- subnet
- = subnetworkподсеть
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Subnet — [engl.], Teilnetz in einem Netzwerk … Universal-Lexikon
subnet — (subnetwork) n. (Computers) separate division of a larger computer network; physical network of an internet (Internet); division of a computer network (in IP) … English contemporary dictionary
Subnet — Teil eines Netzwerks bzw. physikalisch unabhängiges Netzwerksegment. Die Aufteilung eines Netzwerkes in Teilnetze ist sinnvoll, wenn das Datenaufkommen zu groß wird. Dadurch wird die Performance und Sicherheit des gesamten Netzwerkes gesteigert.… … Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon
subnet — A logical network created from a single IP address. A mask is used to identify bits from the host portion of the address to be used for subnet addresses. See also address classes; Classless Inter Domain Routing; IP address; subnet address;… … Dictionary of networking
Subnet — The word subnet may refer to:* In computer networks, an abbreviation for subnetwork * In mathematics, a subnet of a net in a topological space … Wikipedia
subnet — 1. noun a) The abstraction of a sequence. b) A portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number. 2. verb To break a network into subnets … Wiktionary
subnet — potinklis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Tinklo dalis. Potinkliui priklausančių ↑skaitinių kompiuterio adresų aibė iš jį gaubiančio tinklo išskiriama ↑adreso kauke, kuri šiuo atveju vadinama potinklio kauke. Potinklis gali turėti savų… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Subnet Zero — is a computer networking term for the first subnet obtained after subnetting a network address.Using subnet zero for addressing was discouraged at one point due to the confusion created by having a network and subnet with the same address.… … Wikipedia
Subnet (mathematics) — In topology and related areas of mathematics, a subnet is a generalization of the concept of subsequence to the case of nets. The definition is not completely straightforward, but is designed to allow as many theorems about subsequences to… … Wikipedia
subnet address — The subnet portion of an IP address. In a subnetted network, the host part of the IP address is divided into a subnet portion and a host portion by a subnet mask. See also address classes; Classless Inter Domain Routing; IP address; subnet; … Dictionary of networking
subnet mask — A number or, more correctly, a bit pattern that identifies which parts of an IP address correspond to the network, subnet, and host portions of the address. Also referred to as an address mask. See also address classes; Classless Inter… … Dictionary of networking