coarse spoil

coarse spoil
крупноразмерная пустая порода (используемая, напр. для возведения насыпей)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "coarse spoil" в других словарях:

  • Sediment Profile Imagery — (SPI) is an underwater technique for photographing the interface between the seabed and the overlying water. The technique is used to measure or estimate biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in the first few centimetres of… …   Wikipedia

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  • Ghanima Atreides — Dune character box name = Ghanima Atreides caption = Jessica Brooks as Ghanima Atreides in the Children of Dune miniseries (2003) alias = gender = Female born = 10,207 AG died = occupation = spouse = Farad n Corrino parent(s) = Paul Atreides and… …   Wikipedia

  • Medieval cuisine — A group of travelers sharing a simple meal of bread and drink; Livre du roi Modus et de la reine Ratio, 14th century. Medieval cuisine includes the foods, eating habits, and cooking methods of various European cultures during the Middle Ages, a… …   Wikipedia

  • reu-2, reu̯ǝ- : rū̆ - —     reu 2, reu̯ǝ : rū̆     English meaning: to tear out, dig out, open, acquire, etc..     Deutsche Übersetzung: “aufreißen, graben, aufwũhlen; ausreißen; raffen”     Grammatical information: participle perf. pass. rū̆ tó     Note: to part, as… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • Nam Wan Tunnel — entrance. Traditional Chinese 南灣隧道 Simplified Chinese …   Wikipedia

  • Heliciculture — (snail farming) is the process of farming or raising snails.HistoryRoasted snail shells have been found in archaeological excavations, an indication that snails have been eaten since prehistoric times [ [… …   Wikipedia

  • Phonological history of English diphthongs — Note: This article deals with sound changes involving English language diphthongs. Each of the following sound changes involved at least one phoneme which historically was a diphthong. The sound changes discussed here may also have involved a… …   Wikipedia

  • Data mining in agriculture — Contents 1 Introduction 2 Applications 2.1 Prediction of problematic wine fermentations 2.2 Detection of diseases from sounds issued by animals …   Wikipedia

  • Tailings — A panorama of Broken Hill, New South Wales, backed by the man made mullock (waste tailings) heaps from the Line of Lode mine (the mullock heaps are the hills that stretch across this image). Tailings, also called mine dumps, slimes, tails, leach… …   Wikipedia

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