- strippable
- пригодный для открытых работ
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
strippable — ˈstripəbəl adjective Etymology: strip (I) + able : capable of being stripped or pulled off strippable vinyl coatings strippable coal … Useful english dictionary
strippable — /strip euh beuhl/, adj. 1. Mining. of or pertaining to ore or coal that can be produced by strip mining. 2. capable of being stripped off: strippable wallpaper. [1970 75; STRIP1 + ABLE] * * * … Universalium
strippable — adjective see strip I … New Collegiate Dictionary
strippable — strip·pa·ble … English syllables
strippable — adj. (Revêtement mural) qui peut être enlevé de son support … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
alkaline strippable resist — šarmu nuvalomas rezistas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. alkaline strippable resist vok. mittels basischem Lösungsmittel ablösbares Resist, n rus. резист, удаляемый щелочным раствором, m pranc. résist éliminé par alcaline, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
снимаемый экран — экран по изоляции, выполненный из экструдированного материала, который может быть полностью снят без специального инструмента, растворителя, нагревания или комбинации этих средств [IEV number 461 03 05] EN strippable screen insulation screen made … Справочник технического переводчика
strip — I. verb (stripped; also stript; stripping) Etymology: Middle English strepen, strippen, from Old English strīepan; akin to Old High German stroufen to strip Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. a. to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Photoresist — A photoresist is a light sensitive material used in several industrial processes, such as photolithography and photoengraving to form a patterned coating on a surface. Contents 1 Photoresist categories 1.1 Tone 1.2 Developing light wavelength … Wikipedia
Reference surface — In fiber optic technology, a reference surface is that surface of an optical fiber that is used to contact the transverse alignment elements of a component such as a connector or mechanical splice. For telecommunications grade fibers, the… … Wikipedia
Gilts — are bonds issued by the governments of the United Kingdom, South Africa, or Ireland. The term is of British origin, and refers to the debt securities issued by the Bank of England, which had a gilt (or gilded) edge. Hence, they are called gilt… … Wikipedia