- stringing
- 1) укладка (труб)2) подвеска (проводов)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Stringing — String String (str[i^]ng), v. t. [imp. {Strung} (str[u^]ng); p. p. {Strung} (R. {Stringed} (str[i^]ngd)); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stringing}.] 1. To furnish with strings; as, to string a violin. [1913 Webster] Has not wise nature strung the legs and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stringing machine — A stringing machine is used to re string tennis racquets. There are 3 types of stringing machines: drop weight, manual and electronic.Dropweight stringers are inexpensive stringers that use a weighted bar to achieve the desired string tension.… … Wikipedia
stringing — noun Date: 1812 1. lines of inlay in furniture decoration 2. the material with which a racket is strung … New Collegiate Dictionary
stringing — /string ing/, n. a narrow band of inlay, as in a piece of furniture. [1610 20; STRING + ING1] * * * … Universalium
stringing — strɪŋ n. cord; something resembling a cord or thread; fiber of a plant; group of objects linked together; series of connected events; chain of characters which are processed as one unit (Computers) v. furnish with strings; tie with a string;… … English contemporary dictionary
stringing — noun ( s) Etymology: partly from string (I) + ing; partly from gerund of string (II) 1. : straight lines of inlay in furniture decoration 2 … Useful english dictionary
Cross-stringing — (sometimes called overstringing) is a method of arranging piano strings inside the case of a piano so that the strings are placed in a vertically overlapping slanted arrangement, with two heights of bridges on the soundboard instead of just one.… … Wikipedia
Bead stringing — is the putting of beads on string.It can range from simply sliding a single bead onto any thread like medium (string, silk thread, leather thong, thin wire, multi strand beading wire) to complex creations that have multiple strands or interwoven… … Wikipedia
Aliquot stringing — is the use of extra unstruck strings in the piano for the purpose of enriching the tone. HistoryThe aliquot stringing system was invented by Julius Blüthner in 1873. To this day, it has been exclusively employed in Blüthner pianos.As currently… … Wikipedia
Thread stringing and knotting machine for tags — Машина для обрезки и завязывания нитей крепления ярлыков … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Wrapping and stringing machine — Машина для упаковки и обвязки пачек … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии