stone structures

stone structures
каменные конструкции

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "stone structures" в других словарях:

  • Stone structures — Stone structures, or megaliths , have been erected by mankind for thousands of years. Many of these structures were built around the same time, the 3rd millennium BC.Some of the better known ones:*Easter Island *Egyptian Pyramids *Medicine wheels …   Wikipedia

  • STONE —    The Neolithic era of Prehistoric architecture has traditionally been called the Stone Age because of the appearance of stone tools and other implements, as well as large scale stone constructions. The earliest masonry structures are Neolithic… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Stone Bridge and the Oregon Central Military Wagon Road — Stone Bridge and Oregon Central Military Wagon Road U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Stone — may refer to:Construction and building* Masonry, the building of structures from stone * Coade stone, a special form of vitreous stoneware, used for monumental work and architectural decoration * Standing stone, a solitary stone set vertically… …   Wikipedia

  • STONE (R.) — STONE RICHARD (1913 1991) Économiste anglais né en 1913, Richard Stone a commencé sa carrière chez un courtier londonien, avant de rejoindre en 1940 les rangs du Bureau central des statistiques, à l’initiative de John Maynard Keynes. Ses… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Stone, Carpenter, and Willson — Stone, Carpenter and Willson was a Providence, Rhode Island based architectural firm in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. It was named for the partners Alfred E. Stone (1834 1908),cite web|url=… …   Wikipedia

  • Stone Mountain (Géorgie) — Stone Mountain est une ville du comté de Dekalb, dans l état américain de la Géorgie. Située dans la périphérie d Atlanta (Atlanta Metropolitan Area), elle comptait 7145 habitants lors du recensement de 2000. Présentation La ville doit son nom de …   Wikipédia en Français

  • stone mason — stone|ma|son «STOHN MAY suhn», noun, or stone mason, a person who cuts stones or builds walls or other structures of stone …   Useful english dictionary

  • stone|ma|son — «STOHN MAY suhn», noun, or stone mason, a person who cuts stones or builds walls or other structures of stone …   Useful english dictionary

  • stone|work|er — «STOHN WUR kuhr», noun. a person who shapes or cuts stone for use in buildings or other structures or sculpture …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stone Age — the period in the history of humankind, preceding the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and marked by the use of stone implements and weapons: subdivided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. [1860 65] * * * First known period of… …   Universalium

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