- stimulus
- 1) управляющее воздействие2) стимул, побудительная причина
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
stimulus — [ stimylys ] n. m. • 1795; mot lat. sc.; cf. a. fr. stimule « aiguillon » et fig. (XVIe); de stimuler ♦ Physiol. Cause externe ou interne capable de provoquer la réaction d un système excitable. ⇒ excitant. « lorsque tel organe [...] se contracte … Encyclopédie Universelle
stimulus — stim‧u‧lus [ˈstɪmjləs] noun [singular, uncountable] something that helps a process to develop more quickly or strongly: stimulus to • The discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to the local economy. ˌfiscal ˈstimulus ECONOMICS an attempt to make… … Financial and business terms
stimulus — stimulus, stimulant, excitant, incitement, impetus can all mean an agent that arouses a person or a lower organism or a particualr organ or tissue to activity. Only the first three words have definite and common technical use. Stimulus, in this… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Stimulus — may refer to:*Sha Stimuli, a brooklyn based rapper. *Stimulus (band), an experimental band *Stimulus (physiology), something external that influences an activity *Stimulus (psychology), a concept in behaviorism *Input to a system in other fields… … Wikipedia
Stimulus — Stim u*lus, n.; pl. {Stimuli}. [L., for stigmulus, akin to L. instigare to stimulate. See {Instigare}, {Stick}, v. t.] 1. A goad; hence, something that rouses the mind or spirits; an incentive; as, the hope of gain is a powerful stimulus to labor … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
STIMULUS — apud Terentium Phormione, Act. 1. sc. 2. v. 28. Nam quae inscitia est Adversum stimulos calces, supple iactare? κέντρον est Aeschylo, Agamemn. v. 1620. Πρὸς κέντρα μὴ λάκτιζε et Scriptori sacro Actorum c. 9. versu 5. et c. 26. v. 14. ubi eadem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
stimulus — plural stimuli, 1680s, originally as a medical term, something that goads a lazy organ (often the male member), from Mod.L. stimulus goad (see STIMULATION (Cf. stimulation)). General sense is from 1791. Psychological sense is first recorded 1894 … Etymology dictionary
stimulus — stȉmulus m DEFINICIJA term. djelovanje neke vrste energije na osjetne receptore; podražaj ETIMOLOGIJA lat. stimulus ≃ stimulans: poticajan ← lat. stimulare … Hrvatski jezični portal
Stimŭlus — (lat.), 1) spitziges Ding, Stachel; bes. 2) eiserne Spitze an einem Stab, womit Fuhrleute u. Landbauer die Zugthiere antrieben; 3) eiserne Spitzen, welche da ausgestreut wurden, wo man sich eines Angriffs der Reiterei versah, vgl. Fußangeln; 4)… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
stimulus — I noun activator, animator, arouser, calcar, catalyst, catalytic agent, cause, drive, encouragement, excitant, fillip, goad, impetus, impulse, incentive, incitamentum, incitement, inducement, influence, inritamentum, motivating force, motive,… … Law dictionary
Stimulus — Stimulus,der:1.⇨Antrieb(1)–2.⇨Reiz(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme