Смотреть что такое "stela" в других словарях:
stelă — STÉLĂ, stele, s.f. Mic monument cu caracter comemorativ, în formă de coloană sau de pilastru, alcătuit dintr un singur bloc de piatră şi purtând de obicei inscripţii sau sculpturi, specific antichităţii. – Din fr. stèle. Trimis de claudia,… … Dicționar Român
stela — stȅla ž <G mn stȇlā> DEFINICIJA pov. umj. u antičko doba vertikalna kamena ploča (stup), najčešće s natpisom, služila je u različite svrhe (nadgrobni ili votivni spomenik, granični kamen i sl.) ETIMOLOGIJA grč. stḗlē … Hrvatski jezični portal
Stela — Stȅla DEFINICIJA ONOMASTIKA ž. os. ime (tal. podrijetla) pr.: Stélko (Poreč), Stella (izg. Stȅla) (Zadar, Primorje, sred. Dalmacija, ←tal.) ETIMOLOGIJA tal. stella: zvijezda, usp. Estera, usp. zvijezda (Zvjezdana) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Stela — Ste la, n.; pl. {Stel[ae]}. [L., from Gr. ? a post, an upright stone.] (Gr. Antiq.) A small column or pillar, used as a monument, milestone, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ştelă — ştélă, ştéle, s.f. (reg.) păduche de găină. Trimis de blaurb, 20.02.2007. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
štela — štéla ž DEFINICIJA reg. probitačno poznanstvo; veza ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Stelle: mjesto, pozicija ≃ stellen: štelati … Hrvatski jezični portal
stela — [stē′lə] n. pl. stelae [stē′lē] STELE (senses 1 & 2) … English World dictionary
stela — /stee leuh/, n., pl. stelae /stee lee/. stele (defs. 1 3). * * * ▪ architecture also spelled stele (Greek: “shaft,” or “pillar”) plural stelae standing stone slab used in the ancient world primarily as a grave marker but also for dedication … Universalium
Stéla — Emblem von Stéla Stéla von 1941 Stéla war ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
stela — or stele noun (plural stelae or steles) Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin stela, from Greek stēlē; akin to Old High German stollo pillar, Greek stellein to set up Date: 1776 a usually carved or inscribed stone slab or pillar used for commemorative… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Stela — (pl. stelae) Monolithic slabs, usually of limestone, stelae are rectangular in shape with the upper part curved in a semi circle or decorated with a cavetto cornice. Each is decorated with a picture and an inscription, usually in sunk relief … Ancient Egypt