- steeple
- 1) пирамидальная крыша; шпиц, шпиль2) колокольня
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
steeple — [ stipl ] n. m. • 1835; abrév. de steeple chase ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Steeple chase. 2 ♦ (1884) Course de fond (3 000 m) dans laquelle les coureurs doivent franchir divers obstacles dispersés sur la piste. Des steeples. Appos. Courir le 3 000 mètres… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Steeple — Stee ple (st[=e] p l), n. [OE. stepel, AS. st[=e]pel, st[=y]pel; akin to E. steep, a.] (Arch.) A spire; also, the tower and spire taken together; the whole of a structure if the roof is of spire form. See {Spire}. A weathercock on a steeple. Shak … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Steeple — * Steeple (architecture), a tall tower on a building, often topped by a spire * Steeple, Dorset, a hamlet in south Dorset, England * Steeple, Essex, a very small village in south Essex, England * Steeple (Lake District), a fell in the Lake… … Wikipedia
steeple — O.E. stepel (Mercian), stiepel (W.Saxon) high tower (related to steap high, lofty ), from P.Gmc. *staupilaz (see STEEP (Cf. steep) (adj.)). Steeplechase first recorded 1793 (earlier steeplehunt, 1772), originally a race with a visible church… … Etymology dictionary
steeple n — steeple chase … English expressions
steeple — ► NOUN 1) a church tower and spire. 2) a spire on the top of a church tower or roof. DERIVATIVES steepled adjective. ORIGIN Old English, related to STEEP(Cf. ↑steepness) … English terms dictionary
steeple — [stē′pəl] n. [ME stepel < OE < base of steap, lofty: see STEEP1] 1. a tower rising above the main structure of a building, esp. of a church, usually capped with a spire 2. a church tower with a spire; also, the spire … English World dictionary
Steeple — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Steeple chase. 3000 m steeple … Wikipédia en Français
steeple — steepled, adj. steepleless, adj. steeplelike, adj. /stee peuhl/, n., v., steepled, steepling. n. 1. an ornamental construction, usually ending in a spire, erected on a roof or tower of a church, public building, etc. 2. a tower terminating in… … Universalium
steeple — n. a church steeple * * * [ stiːp(ə)l] a church steeple … Combinatory dictionary
steeple — UK [ˈstiːp(ə)l] / US [ˈstɪp(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms steeple : singular steeple plural steeples a tall pointed tower on a church … English dictionary