- steady
- 1) устойчивый; равномерный; постоянный; закреплённый2) делать устойчивым; делать равномерным; становиться устойчивым, равномерным3) приводить в равновесие; укреплять; успокаивать
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
steady — adj Steady, uniform, even, equable, constant are comparable when they mean neither markedly varying nor variable but much the same throughout its course or extent. Steady is the most widely applicable of these terms; in general it suggests… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
steady — [sted′ē] adj. steadier, steadiest [ STEAD + Y2] 1. that does not shake, tremble, totter, etc.; firm; fixed; stable 2. constant, regular, uniform, or continuous; not changing, wavering, or faltering [a steady gaze, a steady diet, a steady rhythm]… … English World dictionary
Steady — Stead y ( [y^]), a. [Compar. {Steadier} ( [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Steadiest}.] [Cf. AS. stedig sterile, barren, st[ae][eth][eth]ig, steady (in gest[ae][eth][eth]ig), D. stedig, stadig, steeg, G. st[ a]tig, stetig. See {Stead}, n.] 1. Firm in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Steady B — (bürgerlich Warren McGlone, * 5. Januar 1970 in Philadelphia) ist ein amerikanischer Rapper und Musikproduzent. Er gehörte zur Rap Gruppe Hilltop Hustlers aus Philadelphia. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Diskografie 3 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia
steady on — british spoken phrase used for telling someone that you do not approve of the bad things that they are saying Steady on, Karen! You’re talking about my boyfriend. Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing when you are annoyed or angrysynonym Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
steady — 1520s, replacing earlier steadfast, from STEAD (Cf. stead) + adj. suffix y, perhaps on model of M.Du., M.L.G. stadig. O.E. had stæððig grave, serious, and stedig barren, but neither seems to be the direct source of the modern word. O.N. cognate… … Etymology dictionary
steady — [adj1] stable, fixed abiding, brick wall*, certain, changeless, constant, durable, enduring, equable, even, firm, immovable, never failing, patterned, regular, reliable, safe, set, set in stone*, solid, solid as a rock*, stabile, steadfast,… … New thesaurus
steady — ► ADJECTIVE (steadier, steadiest) 1) firmly fixed, supported, or balanced. 2) not faltering or wavering; controlled. 3) sensible and reliable. 4) regular, even, and continuous in development, frequency, or intensity. ► VERB (steadies … English terms dictionary
Steady — Stead y, v. i. To become steady; to regain a steady position or state; to move steadily. [1913 Webster] Without a breeze, without a tide, She steadies with upright keel. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Steady On — may refer to: * Steady On (Shawn Colvin album), a 1989 album by Shawn Colvin * Steady On (Point of Grace album), a 1998 album by Point of Grace … Wikipedia
Steady — Stead y, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Steadied} ( [i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Steadying}.] To make steady; to hold or keep from shaking, reeling, or falling; to make or keep firm; to support; to make constant, regular, or resolute. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English