- squatter
- самовольный поселенец
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
squatter — [ skwate ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1969; angl. amér. to squat 1 ♦ Occuper illégalement (une habitation vide). On dit aussi SQUATTÉRISER <conjug. : 1> . « l immeuble vétuste dont les bohémiens avaient squattérisé le sous sol » (Le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
squatter — squat·ter / skwä tər/ n: a person who occupies real property without a claim of right or title ◇ In most jurisdictions, a squatter cannot gain title to land through adverse possession because adverse possession requires possession of the property … Law dictionary
Squatter — Squat ter ( t[ e]r), n. 1. One who squats; specifically, one who settles unlawfully upon land without a title. In the United States and Australia the term is sometimes applied also to a person who settles lawfully upon government land under legal … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Squatter — [ skwɔtə; englisch, zu to squat »hocken«, »kauern«] der, s/ , Bezeichnung für einen Ansiedler, der sich ohne Rechtstitel auf unbebautem Land niederlässt (auch in Städten); in den USA besonders für die Ansiedler der Backwoods. * * * Squat|ter [… … Universal-Lexikon
squatter — SCUÓ TĂR/ s. m. cel care ocupă, fără aprobare, o locuinţă abandonată ce urmează să fie supusă demolării. (< engl., fr. squatter) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Squatter — (engl., spr. ßkwotter, von to squat, niederkauern), in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ein Ansiedler, der sich ohne Rechtstitel auf einem Stück unbebauten Landes niederläßt. Da diese Ansiedler viel zur raschen Besiedelung, namentlich der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
squatter — squat‧ter [ˈskwɒtə ǁ ˈskwɑːtər] noun [countable] 1. PROPERTY someone who lives in an empty building without permission or without paying rent 2. LAW someone who lives on unowned land without permission and without paying rent, but has legal… … Financial and business terms
squatter — settler who occupies land without legal title, 1788, agent noun from SQUAT (Cf. squat) (v.); in reference to paupers or homeless people in uninhabited buildings, it is recorded from 1880 … Etymology dictionary
squatter — (del inglés; pronunciamos escuáter ) sustantivo masculino,f. 1. Okupa Uso/registro: jergal):. Unos squatters han sido desalojados de una casa de nuestra calle por la policía … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
squatter — ► NOUN 1) a person who squats in a building or on unused land. 2) Austral./NZ a large scale sheep or cattle farmer … English terms dictionary
squatter — [skwät′ər] n. 1. a person or animal that squats, or crouches ☆ 2. a person who settles on public or unoccupied land: see SQUAT (vi. 3 & 4) 3. a person who occupies illegally a vacant house, building, etc … English World dictionary