- splat
- нащельная рейка, покрывающая стык деревянной обшивки
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Splat — may refer to:* A mark/spot on a surface caused by a liquid material (paint, etc) * SPLAT (S.P.L.A.T.) Spongefied Plant Leaf Adjuvant Treatment. All Natural Spray treatment that increases the efficacy of spray applications on foliage. It is best… … Wikipedia
SPLAT — Тип Частная компания Год основания 2000 Расположение … Википедия
splat — splat·ter·dock; splat·ter·er; splat; … English syllables
splat — splat1 [splat] n. [via dial. < base of SPLIT] a thin, flat piece of wood, esp. as used in the back of a chair splat2 [splat] n., interj. [echoic] (used to suggest) a splattering or wet, slapping sound vi. 1. to make such a sound … English World dictionary
splat — ► NOUN ▪ a piece of thin wood in the centre of a chair back. ORIGIN from obsolete splat «split up» … English terms dictionary
splat — to land with a smacking sound, 1897, probably of imitative origin … Etymology dictionary
splat — splat1 [ splæt ] noun count the sound made by a wet object hitting something hard splat splat 2 [ splæt ] verb intransitive or transitive to hit something making a noise like a wet object hitting something hard: A pear fell from the tree and… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
splat — 1. n. a flat piece of thin wood in the centre of a chair back. Etymology: splat (v.) split up, rel. to SPLIT 2. n., adv., & v. colloq. n. a sharp cracking or slapping sound (hit the wall with a splat). adv. with a splat (fell splat on his head).… … Useful english dictionary
splat — splat1 noun a piece of thin wood in the centre of a chair back. Origin C19: from obs. splat split up ; related to split. splat2 informal noun a sound of something soft and wet or heavy striking a surface. adverb with a splat. verb (splats,… … English new terms dictionary
splat — I UK [splæt] / US noun [countable] Word forms splat : singular splat plural splats the sound made by a wet object hitting something hard II UK [splæt] / US adverb go splat … English dictionary
splat — splat1 /splat/, n. 1. Also, splad. a broad, flat piece of wood, either pierced or solid, forming the center upright part of a chair back or the like. 2. a batten for covering joints between sheets of wallboard; panel strip. [1825 35; orig. uncert … Universalium