specific damages

specific damages
ком. особое возмещение (убытков)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "specific damages" в других словарях:

  • Damages, Assessment of — Damages are not assessed in an arbitrary fashion but are subject to various judicial guidelines. The general principle is that the claimant is entitled to full compensation for his or her losses. The purpose of damages in tort is to put the… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Specific performance — is an order of a court which requires a party to perform a specific act, usually what is stated in a contract. It is an alternative to award/ for awarding damages, and is classed as an equitable remedy commonly used in the form of injunctive… …   Wikipedia

  • specific performance — see performance Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. specific performance …   Law dictionary

  • damages — I noun amends, compensation, costs, expenses, expiation, fine, indemnification, indemnity, injury, just compensation, legal costs, legal liability, loss, penalty, recompense, recovery, reimbursement, remuneration for injury suffered, reparation,… …   Law dictionary

  • specific performance — ➔ performance * * * specific performance UK US noun [U] LAW ► an order given by a court stating that a contract for work must be carried out exactly as it was written, rather than someone receiving money instead: »An order for specific… …   Financial and business terms

  • specific finding — A decision on a fact made by a jury in its verdict at the judge s request. Often the judge gives a jury a list of decisions to be made on specific findings of fact to help the jurors focus on the issues. For example, a judge may ask the jury to… …   Law dictionary

  • specific implement — the primary remedy for breach of contract in Scotland, differing in this respect from England where it is damages. It is enforced by interdict for negative obligations and a decree ad fac tum praestandum for positive obligations, both of which… …   Law dictionary

  • Specific performance (England und Wales) — Specific performance bezeichnet im Recht Englands und Wales ein remedy (etwa ‚Wiedergutmachung‘), die auf Vornahme einer bestimmten Handlung, meist Vornahme der vertraglichen Handlung, gerichtet ist. Es gehört zu den equitable remedies, da nach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Damages — This article is about the law term. For the television series, see Damages (TV series). For other uses, see Damages (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • damages — A pecuniary compensation or indemnity, which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered loss, detriment, or injury, whether to his person, property, or rights, through the unlawful act or omission or negligence of another. A… …   Black's law dictionary

  • damages — A pecuniary compensation or indemnity, which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered loss, detriment, or injury, whether to his person, property, or rights, through the unlawful act or omission or negligence of another. A… …   Black's law dictionary

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