- solid measure
- объёмная, кубическая мера
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Solid measure — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
solid measure — tūrio matas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Matavimo priemonė, atkurianti tam tikrą tūrio vertę. atitikmenys: angl. capacity measure; cubic measure; solid measure; volume measure vok. Hohlmaß, n; Inhaltmaß, n;… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Solid — Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid angle — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid color — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid green — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid newel — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid problem — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid square — Solid Sol id (s[o^]l [i^]d), a. [L. solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Gr. ???: cf. F. solide. Cf. {Consolidate},{Soda}, {Solder}, {Soldier}, {Solemn}.] 1. Having the constituent parts so compact, or so firmly adhering, as to resist… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Solid-state chemistry — is the study of the synthesis, structure, and physical properties of solid materials. It therefore has a strong overlap with solid state physics, mineralogy, crystallography, ceramics, metallurgy, thermodynamics, materials science and electronics … Wikipedia
Solid fat index — (SFI) is a measure of the percentage of fat in crystalline (solid) phase to total fat (the remainder being in liquid phase) across a temperature gradient. The SFI of a fat is measured using a dilatometer that measures the expansion of a fat as it … Wikipedia