- sludge compost
- компост из ила
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Compost — ( /ˈ … Wikipedia
Uses of compost — Compost is a versatile product resulting from composting the biodegradation of organic waste, industrially, commercially or domestically produced. The basic use is conditioning and fertilizing soil by the addition of humus, nutrients and… … Wikipedia
компост из сточного ила и отходов — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN refuse sludge compost Compost derived by the biodegradation of the organic constituents of solid wastes and wastewater sludges. The major public health issues associated with… … Справочник технического переводчика
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
organic farming — or organic gardening System of crop cultivation that uses biological methods of fertilization and pest control as substitutes for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which are regarded by supporters of organic methods as harmful to health and… … Universalium
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Anaerobic digestion — and regenerative thermal oxidiser component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany, 2007 … Wikipedia
Fertilizer — Tennessee Valley Authority: Results of Fertilizer demonstration 1942 … Wikipedia
Biosolids — is a term used by the water treatment industry that refers to treated sludge. Sludge, or biosolids, are the byproduct of the treatment of domestic and commercial wastewater or sewage in a wastewater treatment plant. To create biosolids, these… … Wikipedia
Living machines — are a form of biological wastewater treatment designed to mimic the cleansing functions of wetlands. They are intensive bioremediation systems that can also produce beneficial by products such as methane gas, edible and ornamental plants, and… … Wikipedia
Organic fertilizer — Organic fertilizers are naturally occurring fertilizers (e.g. compost, manure). Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed, humic acid, and guano. Sewage sludge use in organic agricultural… … Wikipedia